New Moon in Aquarius, January 24, 2020: Revolution Calls

January 23, 2020 0 Comments

New Moon in Aquarius, January 24, 2020: Revolution Calls

New Moon in Aquarius: Revolution Calls

Friday, January 24, 2020
New Moon @ 4 degrees of Aquarius
1:41 PM PST // 4:41 pm EST


  • Sun and Moon in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus 
  • Sun and Moon in Aquarius sextile Chiron in Aries 
  • Mercury in Aquarius sextile Mars in Sagittarius 
  • Venus in Pisces square Mars in Sagittarius 
  • Venus in Pisces sextile Jupiter in Capricorn
  • Mars in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces 
  • Jupiter in Capricorn conjunct the south node 


Look out for/ work with:

Open-mindedness, unexpected events, changes, innovation, political revolution, opportunity through crisis, freedom, self-sufficiency, idealism, unorthodoxy, vision, eccentricity, and intuition. 



With this New Moon, expect a strong need for emotional freedom! As with all new moons, we welcome new opportunities and experiences. This is a potent time to conduct any new rituals or habits to assist with changes. Aquarius is considered to be a fixed air element and presides over all matters revolutionizing. Adopting new and unorthodox ways of viewing the world is likely to help you in the weeks ahead. Aquarius is an incredibly intelligent and social sign, so it’s possible some quality time with a like-minded friend or group could provide all the help you need! 

Both the Sun and Moon will form some intense squares to Uranus at the time of this Moon. Uranus is currently in a fellow fixed sign, Taurus. However, when Taurus and Aquarius go head to head, we examine our tendency to work harder, but not necessarily smarter. There is a stronger need to be courteous of everyone involved, rather than sticking to narrow minded or stubborn beliefs. Mercury forms positive aspects to mars creating exciting news or conversations. Just ensure you get all the information before jumping to any conclusions and make assumptions. This energy tends to rile people up and generate media storms. 

If the moon represents the collective, people will likely be reacting to sudden global and economic changes that are taking place. Some may find themselves consumed with materialism and find it hard to cope with financial changes. This is further impacted by squares between Venus and Mars, which suggest a difference of opinions when it comes to love or romance. Mars and Neptune are forming squares to one another. Mars, in this aspect, is likely to skew the perspectives that we have of one another. There is likely to be friction in terms of political and religious views. Practice diplomacy whenever possible, and give others room to speak their mind. You’re likely to learn from one another with this New Moon. 

Jupiter is still hovering around the south node in Capricorn. This placement doles out good luck to those fortunate enough to catch it. While Capricorn is the sign famous for professional goals, the south node is past life or what we look to “release.” It’s similar to the wheel of Fortune card; sometimes you win; sometimes you lose. The game of fate is a fickle one. But those of you doing your due diligence to let go of old, outdated ways of doing things will be rewarded. Get together with like-minded friends and have a good time. Get involved in social causes. Make wishes, because they’re likely to come true. 


Ritualistic Inspirations


    Try This: 

    Ritual for Personal Vision & Change 

    You will need:

    • Pen and Paper 
    • Various newspapers and magazines
    • Poster-board or cardboard
    • glue
    • Scissors 
    • a magical friend!
    • A blue and white candle 
    • Incense of choice, see above 
    • Quartz crystal
    • The Star card from a Tarot deck
    Simple Steps & Procedures:
    1. Gather your items and sit face to face with a friend on the ground. Create a working space in front of you. Call on sacred space while you are working on your ritual — welcome positive guides and beings with incense and calming music. 
    2. Light both the white candle (representing purity) as well as the blue candle (for Aquarian energy) and place the two on a fire-safe/ ceramic plate between the two of you.
    3. Take your pen and paper and write down a vision or affirmation for yourself. This should be specific and goal-oriented. 
    4. Take your scissors and select images that represent the tools needed to help manifest your vision for yourself.  
    5. Glue the wish to the center of a board, surrounding it with the clippings selected. For fun, you may also glue charms, or bits of crystals to amplify your intentions.  
    6. When you are finished, allow this to dry ideally for a few hours. 
    7. Within 72 hours of the new moon, place both a quartz crystal by or on top of your magical vision board, and place it near an altar space or in a location you see daily. This is best to help the intention manifest.  

    Pro witch tip: Don’t want to use paper and scissors? You can achieve this same result by using a cut and paste board app on your phone! Send your digital vision board to friends, or use it as your phone wallpaper for everyday magical manifestation! 



    Candace Marie of Beyond the Veil Tarot has her degree in Cultural Anthropology with a minor in Theology, and studied at the School of Evolutionary Astrology. She is also a graduate of Sacred Crossings Death Midwifery School, and a root worker and herbalist. Read her bio here, and catch more of her work on Beyond the Veil Tarot.


    Read more on astrology, horoscopes, occultism, magick & ritual on our blog, Esoteric Insights!

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