
Spellwork Sessions: A Growth & Fertility Ritual for Ostara, Beltane, and the Spring Season

Spellwork Sessions: A Growth & Fertility Ritual for Ostara, Beltane, and the Spring Season

May 01, 2023 0 Comments

Cross-culturally, the spring season is a time to celebrate renewal, rebirth, fertility, abundance, and the coming summer. 💐🐣🐰Ostara, also known as "Ēostre" and later on "Easter", has origins tied to the Ancient Germanic Goddess and Astarte. As one of the eight Neopagan Sabbats (aka "celebrations") comprising the Pagan Wheel of the Year, this Sabbat commemorates the renewal of Spring following the desolation of winter. Ostara/ Ēostre embodies the fresh vitality of the spring season, depicted as the youthful Maiden of Spring...

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The Feathered Serpent of Chichen Itza, the Spring Equinox, & Venus

The Feathered Serpent of Chichen Itza, the Spring Equinox, & Venus

March 16, 2022 0 Comments

Twice a year, on the side of El Castillo Pyramid at the Mayan ruins of Chichen Itza, an amazing astronomical occurrence takes place which marks a shifting in cycles on many different levels. On the exact spring and fall equinox of each year, for about 45 minutes, a perfect zigzag shadow forms on the side of the pyramid, running down it’s side to align perfectly with the head of a feathered serpent at the base of the pyramid. This gives the image of the mythical Kukulcan, The Feathered Serpent, apearting from...

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Spellwork Sessions: Invocation of the Crescent Maiden

Spellwork Sessions: Invocation of the Crescent Maiden

March 19, 2020 0 Comments

March is the Month of the Vernal Equinox when we leave the long dormant days of Winter behind, and celebrate the return of the dawning Springtime Sun. This story has played out over time through the tales of Jesus’ Resurrection, Inanna’s underworld descent and subsequent Springtime return, and countless other stories illustrating the seasonal transition from a period of Winter death back to a fertile Spring of new life, hope, and rebirth. This is a time to celebrate the bounty of the sun! Oddly enough, many of us are feeling anxious about the symbolically related Corona Virus. Let me shed some light...


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Deities & Demons: Ostara and the Dawn

Deities & Demons: Ostara and the Dawn

March 19, 2020 0 Comments

Ostara, Ēostre who stemmed from Astarte is both an Ancient Germanic Goddess and one of the eight Neopagan Sabbats which make up the Pagan Wheel of the Year. The Sabbat, or Holiday celebrates the re-birth of Spring after the barren winter season. The face of the Goddess Ostara is the Virginal Maiden of Spring, the smiling celestial crescent, emerging in the sky from the black horizon of winter. One must imagine the ancient European Winters to truly appreciate the return of this gentle fertility Goddess. To get through the barren season, families would store grains, nuts, dried meats and herbs for their survival. This preserved prosperity directly from the land equated with the sustaining of life when external conditions i.e. weather did not support it. Ēostre emerges from the rich Pagan... 

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Aries: The Fire Starter / Energy Initiate

Aries: The Fire Starter / Energy Initiate

March 19, 2020 0 Comments

The word Aries comes from the latin word for ram. In greek mythology the story of Aries is represented by the golden ram. In one story King Athamas had two children, Phrixus and Helle. His second wife tried to have his son Phrixus killed and a flying golden ram was sent by Hermes and their mother, Nephele as a gift to take them away from trouble on his golden back. Unfortunately Helle, fell off leaving only Phrixus to arrive in the island of Colchis. One theory states that Phrixus sacrificed the golden ram to honor Zues which was later stolen by Jason and the Argonats. Zeus then placed the immortal golden ram in the heavens where it remains the constellation of Aries in honer of his courage.

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What I've Learned from Plants

What I've Learned from Plants

March 06, 2020 0 Comments

When we talk about a relationship to plants and cultivating a personal relationship, we are talking about a practice in self-trust, patience and activating a muscle that many of our lineages have been severed from. When we want to develop a relationship to a plant, there is no definitive guide, but I do believe that whatever you are called to: whether it’s a bloom that keeps appearing in your life or a plant name you keep wondering about; that’s the place to start. Lastly, “medicine” is more than what you can buy at the drugstore. Music can be medicine and so can laughter. Medicine is anything with a vibration that heals or teaches or both...

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Ostara & the Spring Equinox: Celebrating Spring Spirit & Balance

Ostara & the Spring Equinox: Celebrating Spring Spirit & Balance

March 18, 2019 0 Comments

With spring we welcome greener days ahead while plants seem to wake up from their winter slumber with emerging buds and blossoms as symbols of new growth. The energies are more active as animals and humans seem to awaken into more activity, and even the bees return to their pollination cycle. While we have not yet arrived at the heat of Summer, instead we can enjoy the balanced energies of Equinox as the Sun seems to suspend in time. 

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