This powerful partial eclipse and new moon in Cancer begins the next lunar cycle and prepares us for a full moon lunar eclipse later this month. Cancer energies connect us to our family, home, emotions, and needs. It asks us to pay more attention to our intuition as well as our conditioned feelings and receptivity. Though the detrimental side of Cancer may be overly protective or giving in hopes of getting its needs met in return. Perhaps the most important aspect of this new moon is the exact opposition to Pluto in Capricorn. This primordial planetary energy evokes upheaval for the purpose of regeneration and rebirth. It often asks us to dig deeper into...
Known as Summer Solstice to most, the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere has several names including Litha and Midsummer. It is a day of joy and merriment, as well as major witchiness. Litha comes from the old Anglo-Saxon name for June and July, given by an English monk named Bede. As the lustful and passionate energies of Beltane subside, they make way for the maturity and power of Litha. Spring was the phase of courtship and now summer has become the commitment to love as the...