
Deities & Demons: Embracing the Enchanting Autumnal Energy of the Goddess Hecate

Deities & Demons: Embracing the Enchanting Autumnal Energy of the Goddess Hecate

October 27, 2023 0 Comments

As the leaves start to fall and the nights grow longer, autumn is a time of transition and transformation. Because of its transformative energy, October is the perfect month and Samhain the perfect holiday to connect with the enigmatic and powerful goddess Hecate, whose influence is particularly potent during this season. In this blog, we'll explore the significance of Hecate during this time of year and offer a casual approach to incorporating her energy into your life. 🍂✨

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Deities & Demons: Hekate's Horde & Deipnon for the New Moon

Deities & Demons: Hekate's Horde & Deipnon for the New Moon

October 25, 2019 0 Comments

Hekate’s commanding of shadow spirits may enable us to confront our own “shadow selves”. Every individual is a complex emotional being, and we temper ourselves by identifying inner truths through self-awareness and emotional honesty. Perhaps most unpleasant to face, confronting one’s anger in a healthy and unobstructed manner is quite like Hekate’s taming of the restless dead. Once we have been able to reconcile the fear and intimidation we may feel from our “shadow selves” then we can be summarily more capable and powerful...

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Hecate:  Deities & Demons

Hecate: Deities & Demons

October 03, 2019 0 Comments

Hecate (or Hekate, and pronounced “he-KAH-tay” or “he-KAH-tee”) has many titles, most notably the Torchbearer, Goddess of the Underworld, and the Keeper of the Keys of the Universe. A relationship with her is one that confronts and engages with the darkness that resides in us all, rather than ignore or reject it. Hecate is present in the Under, Middle, and Upper worlds, so her ability to transition between these realms indicates she is a powerful force for change. Hecate is an ancient goddess with a modern tradition. Modern Hekatean Witchcraft emphasizes her role in modernity, and puts less stress on the particularities of rituals and ceremonies so that practitioners may interpret their relationship in a modern, personal way, so that everyone’s practice is at their strongest. As far as sobriquets go, the Goddess of the Underworld is about as cool as they come. Along with her connection to the serpent, her power is connotative of what is popularly considered to be evil and nefarious in mainstream religion, but a relationship with Hecate underscores the necessity of dark with light, life with death...

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