Candle Magick 101: Light Up Your Rituals and Unleash the Magick of Candles

Candle Magick 101: Light Up Your Rituals and Unleash the Magick of Candles

September 08, 2023 0 Comments

Candles and fire have been used in rituals and ceremonies for centuries, adding an enchanting touch to our spiritual practices. Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or a curious beginner, incorporating candles into your rituals can ignite a whole new level of magic. So, grab your favorite candle (scented candle, or not!), put on your mystical wizard or witch hat, and let's dive into the realm of candle-powered rituals!

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Spell Jar Bottles in different colors

Spellwork Sessions: Protection Spell Jar for Banishing and Binding

July 11, 2023 0 Comments

Hey all! For this edition of Spellwork Sunday I wanted to talk about magickal jar spells. Jar Spells have been used for centuries, and remnants of jar spells have been found amongst ancient European ruins for sometime. While they routinely have gone through bouts of popularity and use, there is no doubt that they can be an effective method for money and love spells, sex magick, charming a certain someone in particular, binding spells, breaking curses, and even yes, hexes.

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Spellwork Sessions: A Growth & Fertility Ritual for Ostara, Beltane, and the Spring Season

Spellwork Sessions: A Growth & Fertility Ritual for Ostara, Beltane, and the Spring Season

May 01, 2023 0 Comments

Cross-culturally, the spring season is a time to celebrate renewal, rebirth, fertility, abundance, and the coming summer. 💐🐣🐰Ostara, also known as "Ēostre" and later on "Easter", has origins tied to the Ancient Germanic Goddess and Astarte. As one of the eight Neopagan Sabbats (aka "celebrations") comprising the Pagan Wheel of the Year, this Sabbat commemorates the renewal of Spring following the desolation of winter. Ostara/ Ēostre embodies the fresh vitality of the spring season, depicted as the youthful Maiden of Spring...

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Émile Bayard Summoning the Beloved Dead, Illustration from ‘Histoire de la magie’ (History of magic) by Paul Christian, Paris, 1870

Spellwork Sessions: Low Magick vs High Magick

January 14, 2023 0 Comments

As with many aspects of the esoteric and occult and even mainstream religion, magic is composed of dualities. The most obvious divide is that of black ("bad") magic and white ("good") magic. From time to time, when acquaintances find out that I mess with the craft, they immediately ask "but you're doing the good kind of magic, right?" So, I personally prefer the Latin terms Maleficium and Beneficium. These better encapsulate the difference between working with ill intentions (malice) and working to heal (benefit). Although something of a trope, a sort of stereotype rooted more in both folklore and mass media than in how real magic is done in the world, this duality still helps classify our knowledge of the magical arts.

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Spellwork Sessions: Finding Focus & Mindful Awareness

Spellwork Sessions: Finding Focus & Mindful Awareness

March 10, 2021 0 Comments

Did you know that we're all Magicians whether we practice magic or not? Magicians shape the world with focused and often repetitive rituals. A ritual is simply a set of actions that are performed regularly, like say, brushing your teeth, or going to bed at a certain time. The result of your rituals can affect your life in both positive and negative ways, depending on what your repeated actions cultivate. So, it is best to be focused and aware of how you are shaping your own world. 

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Spellwork Sessions: Samhain & Hallows Eve & Connecting with our Spirit Crew

Spellwork Sessions: Samhain & Hallows Eve & Connecting with our Spirit Crew

October 23, 2020 0 Comments

Samhain is almost here! It is said that the veil between worlds is the thinnest during Samhain, making it is easier to connect beings on the other side. Do you know your spirit crew yet? Everyone has guides and ancestors on the other side wanting to help and support you on your journey, some may be ancestors you are not even aware of, or other spiritual, cosmic and innerdimensional beings that are waiting to meet you half way! ⁠

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LBRP visualization

Spellwork Sessions: The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram

September 21, 2020 0 Comments

The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram (LBRP) is a common ritual amongst practitioners of magickal systems including Golden Dawn and Thelema. This ritual is a powerful two-part ceremony that grounds the mind and ignites our ethereal vibrations to connect us with our higher selves and with guides such as archangels. This process eliminates "impure magnetism" that clogs up our aura and energy centers, and by ridding ourselves of negative mental, emotional, and spiritual clutter, we allow space for fresh positive energies and realizations to grow and thrive. In doing this we also reinforce our connection to all beings higher than us on an ethereal level such as guides, ancestors and angels...

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Spellwork Sessions: Invocation of the Crescent Maiden

Spellwork Sessions: Invocation of the Crescent Maiden

March 19, 2020 0 Comments

March is the Month of the Vernal Equinox when we leave the long dormant days of Winter behind, and celebrate the return of the dawning Springtime Sun. This story has played out over time through the tales of Jesus’ Resurrection, Inanna’s underworld descent and subsequent Springtime return, and countless other stories illustrating the seasonal transition from a period of Winter death back to a fertile Spring of new life, hope, and rebirth. This is a time to celebrate the bounty of the sun! Oddly enough, many of us are feeling anxious about the symbolically related Corona Virus. Let me shed some light...


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Spellwork Sessions: Honoring Black History Month with African Traditional Religions

Spellwork Sessions: Honoring Black History Month with African Traditional Religions

February 19, 2020 0 Comments

Almost all ATRs are earth-based religions, meaning: communing with, worshiping, and having relationships with natural elements like mountains, bodies of water, plants, and animals. These elements and energies are built into most ceremonies, events, and gatherings — A constant reminder that our connection to the Earth is sacred and to be honored with reverence. In addition to sharing a broad and diverse system of Earth magic, almost all ATRs share two other tenants: Honor the God/Goddess...

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Spellwork Sessions: Love Magick

Spellwork Sessions: Love Magick

February 07, 2020 0 Comments

Love Spells are some the of most sought after and popular requests when it comes to magic ritual and guidance. Whether it be a return-to-me spell, attraction, fertility, or self-love; Throughout the ages nothing has as much staying power as a good ole love spell. For this reason there’s an almost infinite number of ways you can call in the frequency of love using magic (ritual, intention, and action). Each culture or tradition has it’s own methods for attracting love. As with all magic, your intention and focus is everything. Since it’s not practical for me to give multiple different love spells here I will focus on a general love spell, to which you can add or subtract at will. This spell is broken down into three parts...

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Spellwork Sessions: Cleansing with Mint and Cinnamon for the New Year

Spellwork Sessions: Cleansing with Mint and Cinnamon for the New Year

January 08, 2020 0 Comments

I don’t know about everyone else but the shift of the new year and decade in Gregorian calendar has been intense to put it lightly. Intuitively I’ve noticed a lot of people are either sick right now, hermiting themselves, or making huge promises of “new year, new me.” All these responses are ok; however it is the dead of winter right now in the northern hemisphere, and it’s ok the rest, hibernate, and be in seclusion. With that said, perhaps it’s time to pay attention to what we can release, cleanse, and remove from our spaces, body, minds, and spirits in order to 

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Spellwork Sessions: Making a Mojo Bag for Protection

Spellwork Sessions: Making a Mojo Bag for Protection

December 10, 2019 0 Comments

Mojo bags are from Black American hoodoo culture and can be used for a wide variety of intentions including but not limited to protection, love, and good luck. Contrary to popular belief, Hoodoo is a sacred practice that blends many ancient African religions. In short, it is what many enslaved Africans in the Americas and the Caribbean practiced after they were stolen from their land. This tradition runs deep in my Ancestry and I’m happy to share with you how to create your own mojo bag for this month’s theme of protection.

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