Solar Eclipse + New Moon in Cancer, July 2, 2019: Home Is Where the Heart Is

June 27, 2019 0 Comments

Solar Eclipse + New Moon in Cancer, July 2, 2019: Home Is Where the Heart Is

Moon insights by Candace Looft, of Beyond the Veil Tarot  / Collage by Janeva Zentz 


Solar Eclipse New Moon in Cancer: Home Is Where the Heart Is  

Tuesday, July 2, 2019
New Moon @ 10 degrees of Cancer
12:16 p.m. PST // 3:16 p.m. EST
Eclipse begins 9:55 a.m. PST // 12:55 a.m. EST

  •     Sun and Moon conjunct in Cancer conjunct the north node
  •     Sun and Moon in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus 
  •     Sun and Moon in Cancer square Chiron in Aries 
  •     North node in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces
  •     Saturn conjunct the South Node in Capricorn 
  •     Mercury and Mars conjunct in Leo trine Chiron in Aries 
  •     Mercury and Mars square Uranus in Taurus
  •     Jupiter in Sagittarius inconjunct the North Node in Cancer
  •     Jupiter in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces 


    Look out for/ work with:

    Beginnings and endings, wildcards, home, family, mothers, fertility, pregnancy, birth, place of residence, emotions, emotional growth, security, breakdown of old patterns, defining new boundaries, patriotism. 



    This is the kick off of one of the most important months of 2019. New Moons are always a new opportunity. A total new moon solar eclipse packs a major punch holding space for future endeavors, in the terms of Cancer-related themes. In recent days Mercury has moved into the shadow period of Cancer and into Leo. Along with Mars, it appears many of you have had some sort of sudden realization. It’s as if there is this sudden burst of energy to care or nurture something. For some of you, this is moving, finding a place that feels more like home. Granted, it may be happening because you HAD to move, or a roommate left, or a spouse got offered a job in another city. The point is, this is all happening for a reason. There is a method to the eclipse madness; to help you find home, where ever and with whomever, this may be. Something safe, and secure. 

    When Mercury and Mars move together, we learn to walk the walk and talk the talk. This is not a month to say you’re going to do something, and not follow through. Do not underestimate the power of words or thoughts, because they are spells in themselves. The question is; what is changing in your life now? Where is there resistance?  With Mercury coming into a retrograde on the 7th, it will come back down the late degrees of Cancer. This will give you the entire month of July to review these sensitive topics and revaluate what changes need to be made to better nurture something special in your life. Keep in mind that eclipses are cosmic portals in time, where anything can happen. Between eclipses, its as if the universe unveils plans for us we may not be aware were in place. Generally something ends, creating space for something new to begin. Transitions aren’t always easy, at times they are messy. There’s something especially important about sorting through things, how they feel and what value they hold for you now. What are you willing to do away with to bring in the new? Make peace with the mess, then use the month ahead to work your way through it. 

    This is an excellent time to clean out the house, clean up the diet and practice some radical self-care. New moons bring about some sort of preparation or nesting for something new. Expect to feel more emotional, or sensitive than usual. As if this weren’t colorful enough, we had planets conjunct the south node. This amplifies breaking out of old rigid patterns and energies of feeling stuck or blocked. Being that it’s Saturn conjunct the south node with Pluto in Capricorn, the keyword is BOUNDARIES. Where are yours? Where are they too rigid, are you allowing enough space to cultivate change? Are you working on breaking down all the walls you’ve built up against love, or happiness? For others,  you’ll be facing some serious work/ family life challenges. Where do you feel like someone or something has too much control or power over you? Perhaps you’re dealing with focusing more on your family, children, and emotional health. This can create a bit of a crisis when it comes to how to walk away, transform or navigate professional changes, or changes with a boss. It’s possible many of us are having to revisit some deep seeded childhood issues and do some investigating into the history of our family, and discover our roots.  

    Mars and Mercury’s move into Leo gives an intense sense of ego and self-confidence. It will be squaring off with Uranus in Taurus creating some earth-shaking energy, figuratively as well as literally. This energy will send shockwaves in the days and weeks ahead creating some tense situations globally and environmentally. The key is to allow the chips to fall as they may. You are not in control of anyone else, or their actions. You are in control of yourself, and yourself alone. Drawing boundaries out of the sake of protecting what is sacred may be necessary but in a civil and Cancerian way. Not everyone deserves a response. Sometimes walking away, and choosing not to have an ego showdown is the bigger thing to do. We are each going through this intense transformative energy in our own way, at our own speed. It’s important to keep this in mind this month. Trust that whatever comes and goes now is apart of the divine plan that creates a safer, happier, and more harmonious life for you. Make love, not war.


    Ritualistic Inspirations 

    • Herbs: Aloe Vera, Chamomile, Honeysuckle, White rose
    • Incense: Eucalyptus or Rosemary 
    • Symbols: Crab, Chest, Stomach, Mothers, Family, Home, Shell
    • Crystals: Moonstone, Rose quartz, Clear Quartz, Silver or Pearl  

    Try This…

    A ritual home cleaning spell to cleanse your home and bring protection and prosperity to your living space. This can be exceptionally helpful to clean out old stagnant energy, or quarrels with family members/ housemates. 

    1. Take a simple cleansing bath and focus on your breathing. Before you get to work you need to ground your energy and wash away any negative energies. I recommend soaking in a sea salt or Epsom salt bath for 10- 15 mins.  
    2. When you are finished, burn sage, or any herb of your choice for clearing space. 
    3. Anoint a black and a white candle with an altar oil. This is to balance the energy of the Sun and the Moon, and bringing protection and purification to your home. Sit and meditate, chanting, praying and giving thanks to your guides or deities. Be sure to call upon sacred space. 
    4. Mix a batch of cleansing spray. This can be used on most surfaces, be that with a mop, towel, spray, etc. 
        • 2 cups of water (Spring water or New Moon water left overnight during the eclipse)
        • 4 drops of lemongrass oil 
        • 1 small pinch of pepper 
        • 1 pinch of sea salt 
        • 1 juice of a lemon, and the skin 
        • 4 drops of Florida water 
    Mix this solution together and it can be used throughout the house. I personally use it in a spray bottle to lightly mist counters, work areas and recharge the spaces that feel stagnant. If you don't want to make your own, try this one! It has a great array of cleansing ingredients.

      5. Clean your house from BACK TO FRONT. This order is especially important as we are moving all the old energy OUT of the house. For example; if you live in a house or apartment with a back door, you start there and move room to room until you make your way to the front door. Every bedroom, bathroom, space, etc. until each space has been VACUUMED, MOPPED, WIPED, SPRAYED and PRAYED IN. 

      6. Once you have done this, you may then go to the center of the home, and light Cedar incense, to bring in abundance and health. Rosemary may be burned for protection. You may also smudge with sage

      7. Mix a protection salt for the perimeter of the home/ apartment. This is laid along the perimeter of the home, windows and front door. 

          • 1 part sea salt
          • 1 pinch of ash from a sage bundle
          • 1 pinch of cascarilla powder (eggshells) 
      You can also try this excellent Banishing and Protection Mist for a more aromatherapeutic effect.

        8. Finish off the cleansing of the space with a sigil of a pentagram in chalk or ash. You can do this directly on a front door, or under a doormat, on a window, etc. Be sure to close sacred space and thank your guides and higher beings for being present in protecting your space while you conducted this ritual cleansing.   


        • Trance or journeywork, to better see into the future. Working with crystal balls, water divination, and working with shells
        • Ancestral Healing, working out deep seeded family issues
        • Fertility spells, if you are trying to conceive
        • Cleaning out your house or apartment, donating belongings 
        • Psychic development, if you feel like your intuition is getting stronger
        • Dreamwork and dream interpretation, to unlock what is subconsciously happening in dreams




        Candace Marie of Beyond the Veil Tarot has her degree in Cultural Anthropology with a minor in Theology, and studied at the School of Evolutionary Astrology. She is also a graduate of Sacred Crossings Death Midwifery School, and a root worker and herbalist. Read her bio here, and catch more of her work on Beyond the Veil Tarot.


        Read more on astrology, horoscopes, occultism, magick & ritual on our blog, Esoteric Insights!

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