New Moon in Gemini, Monday June 3, 2019: Fresh Ideas

May 29, 2019 0 Comments

New Moon in Gemini, Monday June 3, 2019: Fresh Ideas

Moon insights by Candace Looft, of Beyond the Veil Tarot  / Collage by Janeva Zentz 


New Moon in Gemini: Fresh Ideas 
Monday June 3, 2019
New Moon @ 12 degrees of Gemini 
3:01 a.m. PST// 6:01 a.m EST


  •     Sun and Moon in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces 
  •     Mercury in Gemini oppose Jupiter in Sagittarius
  •     Jupiter in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces 
  •     Mars in Cancer oppose Saturn in Capricorn 
  •     Venus in Taurus trine Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn 


Look out for/ work with:

New projects, communication, listening, networking, new ideas, self-talk, siblings, travel, transport, neighbors, knowledge, gadgets and technology, feedback, and writing. 



This New Moon brings up themes of duality, options, and perspectives. Gemini, the mutable air sign is ruled by Mercury, and at the time of this New Moon, Mercury is making a dramatic opposition to knowledgeable Jupiter. This indicates there’s room to grow, not just spiritually but also an expansion of ideas, travel, or literal information.  It’s possible you’re in the beginning process of defining your faith. Everything comes down to comparisons and perspective. This is an excellent time to keep an open mind, share ideas, and expand your vocabulary. If you’ve been searching for something more mentally stimulating now may very well be the time. The key is; do your research and be thorough before you make a choice. 

The Sun and Moon’s square to Neptune reminds us to take what we hear with a grain of salt, not everything may be quite what it seems. Confusion is likely with the squares between Neptune and Jupiter. Take caution not to be too arrogant or swift. Both in a sense of while in motion, or with what may come out of your mouth!  It’s possible you may clash with someone’s feelings or perspective. This is also a time to be mindful of other persons religious, or spiritual beliefs. Travel should be looked over several times before finalizing any plans, as Neptune brings some hazy energy that causes us to overlook things. Gemini’s usual easy multitasking may not necessarily be possible during this new moon.  

We are now building into planets in Cancer making oppositions to the heavy hitters like Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. Mars is joining with the North Node, making our bodies active, reactive, and emotional. Make time for self-care, baths, and high-quality water! Paying close attention to the diet, the stomach, and the emotional body is key. Heavy emotions may be linked to the polarizing energy in Capricorn. Venus in Taurus is making some earthy trines to Saturn in Pluto, showing us intense depths. It’s passionate and very likely helping you sift through things. Taurus and Capricorn are earth signs that want to make things tangible and real. It can help us get to the bottom line, and figure out REAL love, money, health, etc. Saturn and Venus in harmony help are helping make real changes that we can achieve.  

Big bright new ideas brought to the table now can pave the way for excitement in the months ahead. Go ahead, do your research and take a chance. 



Ritualistic Inspirations

  • Herbs: Lilly of the Valley, Lavender 
  • Incense: Jasmine, Sandalwood 
  • Symbols: The Twins, duality, arms, hands, Mercury, Hermes
  • Crystals: Agate, Citrine, Tigers eye, Peridot


Try This… 

  • Make a list of positive words that are intentions you have for the month ahead. Ideally, they are about being optimistic, or open-minded. 
  • Meditate with that list, and burn some lavender, a lavender candle, or try a lavender oil or mist.
  • Place this list on an altar with the ACE OF SWORDS tarot card and a piece of Clear Quartz to amplify these intentions. 
  • Set the intention to work these words into your daily meditations, mantras, or vocabulary. 
  • Carry the quartz with you to remind yo of these intentions.



  • Plan a trip for later this month to a nearby city and explore, or maybe plan a trip to a faraway place for later this year in November or December.
  • Sign up for a new course or class, maybe even something that's related to a new language!
  • Pick up a new gadget, software, or self-help book.
  • Get a manicure!
  • Pick up a desk vocabulary calendar to show off some fancy new slang. 




Candace Marie of Beyond the Veil Tarot has her degree in Cultural Anthropology with a minor in Theology, and studied at the School of Evolutionary Astrology. She is also a graduate of Sacred Crossings Death Midwifery School, and a root worker and herbalist. Read her bio here, and catch more of her work on Beyond the Veil Tarot.


Read more on astrology, horoscopes, occultism, magick & ritual on our blog, Esoteric Insights!

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