September 03, 2021
Greetings, all! We are in the beautiful medicine of Virgo season, where tuning into your physical and mental health and the well-being of all will bring healing and connection opportunities. We then enter the sweet season of Libra, where every vibration of love wants to be felt! Speaking of balance, we have another sabbat approaching on the 22-23rd, the autumnal equinox, or Mabon. This is the second harvest celebration, where there is equal day and night. Think about the theme of balance in terms of light/dark and yin/yang energy…
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August 30, 2021
This month feels BIG for many folks… Over half of the tarot readings are Major Arcana cards, indicating very important events, major change, and/or long-term energy and influence. Stay tuned for the Celestial Insights blog for this month’s notable transits and the two major lunations with their symbols, ritual + altar inspiration, mantras, and more.
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August 06, 2021
Doing work—be it ritual, meditation, journaling—with the intention to align your energy with this open portal’s vibration will speed up and expand the energy and intentions you are putting out. This is a big “leveling up” shift with a sort of a pulsing, electrical feel to it. Mercury will be close to our sun, Sirius, and moon, as well, so communication going in both directions from the heavens ...
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August 05, 2021
Hello, friends! We have a beautiful month of opportunity ahead under the Sun of Leo season, wrapping up in the grounding and organizational energy of Virgo. We start the month with celebration, as the 1st marks the Pagan sabbat, Lammas, or for some Lughnasadh. This is a harvest festival in the Wheel of the Year, where we acknowledge our abundance and give gratitude. This marks the beginning of the harvesting season through the end of the year until we hit winter and the cycle ends. Gathering with friends and family, sharing, eating, and being merry is a wonderful way to...
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July 28, 2021
Greetings, friends! Most happy solar return wishes to all the Leo suns and early Virgo suns this month! August’s Tarotscopes are here to bring you celestial and archetypal energy guidance for August, the 8th month of the year where we may move into the infinity flow of the number 8’s energy. Also, to those who celebrate in the northern hemisphere, Happy Lammas on August 1st! The moon will be in Taurus on this sabbat, so earthly delights, like good food and sex, will feel especially enjoyable. It’s Leo season most of the month, so feeling an activation of robust energy, both physically and otherwise, is highlighted. This month we really can get into an infinity flow and continue doing...
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July 07, 2021
We live on the Blue Planet, Earth. Over 70% of it is covered by water and more than 80% of that water remains a mystery with unmapped, uncharted, unseen depths right here on Earth. Most of that water is found in our oceans, which produce more than 70% of the oxygen we breathe, regulate the Earth’s climate, and contain far more life than is found on land... Now let’s think about our bodies for a moment, considering each as a “body of water”. Up to 60% of our bodies are made of water which is required for nearly...
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July 06, 2021
The major highlights of this month include: Mars at the helm in the early days of July bringing both confidence and fiery combustion energy to the Saturn/Uranus relationship; we are officially out of eclipse season, but still picking up speed, so some push/pull energy; a cozy and harmonizing New Moon in Cancer to cool the heat; 4 Rx planets til October or later, so lots of inner focus/work; an electrifying and transformative tough-love Full Moon in Aquarius; and Mercury movements end of month that aid in deep psychological awareness, thus availability for processing and healing...
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June 24, 2021
Greetings and Happy summer! Blessed solar returns to all the Cancer suns and early Leo suns out there! Everyone’s July Tarotscopes are here to bring you celestial and archetypal energy guidance for the sunny month of July. It’s Cancer season most of the month, so home comforts and family are highlighted, Mercury is quite active, plus Jupiter Rx plays a big role this month, shimmying back into Aquarius. This offers another opportunity for luck and...
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June 08, 2021
t’s completely invisible, but we would absolutely die without it! It’s easy to take air for granted, much like we take our own ability to think for granted. The mind is governed by the air element. As we grow up from babies into adults, breath and thoughts are just a regular part of our daily existence. Thoughts are invisible too, but they seem pretty real don’t they? In the Vedic tradition breath is called Prana, or The Essence of Life...
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June 07, 2021
The major highlights of this month include Venus bringing love and harmony into 2 signs at the beginning and end of the month, we are in eclipse season and ending eclipse season (whew!), we have an annular solar eclipse new moon, a couple of planets move retrograde, Mercury stations direct, and the year long dance with Saturn and Uranus hits a peak mid-month...
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May 29, 2021
Hello friends! Your June Tarotscopes are here to bring you celestial and archetypal energy guidance for the buzzy, social month of June… Balance is a big theme this month! Please read your Rising (Ascendent), Sun, and Moon, and if you are experiencing major life shifts, I recommend checking out your North Node, as well. If you don’t know your personal signs, you can generate your natal chart for free at Astrodienst! Stay tuned for June’s Celestial Insights blog for a deep dive on this month’s lunations, symbols, ritual and altar inspiration, too....
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May 10, 2021
Do you ever stop to think about what the Earth is actually made of? We walk on it every day, eat food that’s grown on it, vacuum the crumbles on the rug that lies on it, and unless you’re a gardener or a child, we probably don’t touch it very often. But the Earth and ground we live, eat, sleep, and walk on is very important- from microscopic rocks like dirt and sand, and tiny living organisms like worms and bacteria, to giant redwood trees and mountains, the Earth and her gravity is what keeps us from flailing into the chaos of outer space, literally grounding and protecting us from the unknown. Let's look deeper…
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