Full Moon

Full Moon in Scorpio, May 7, 2020: Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust

Full Moon in Scorpio, May 7, 2020: Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust

May 06, 2020 0 Comments

This lunation is probably one of the better moons in recent weeks. I am a bit relieved just looking at the aspects as I write this. There’s something very magical and therapeutic about this Full Moon. Perhaps much of that is this Moon’s aspect to Neptune, bringing about a dreamy and psychic wave of energy. When planets make harmonious aspects to Neptune, we see spirit in action, helping us lean into our empathic feels and connect to the heavens above. Neptune dissolves boundaries and blurs lines. When Mercury or the Moon is in harmony with this planet, often, we receive cosmic downloads, symbolic dreams, or strong intuitive messages. Forms of divination, water magic, or scrying can prove to be extra insightful during this Full Moon. They say Scorpio Full Moons are for communing with...

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Full Moon in Libra, April 7, 2020: Restoring Order

Full Moon in Libra, April 7, 2020: Restoring Order

April 05, 2020 0 Comments

All in all, this is a Moon that wants to aid and assist in feeling better supported. Libra is a Cardinal air sign heavily associated with relationships and many other aspects of Venus. I want to talk for a moment about relationships. There’s a lot of them being tested right now in the world. Some partners are suddenly finding themselves working from home with a spouse. Others are doing what they can to cope with a loss of joint income, and are trying to pick up the slack for their mate. Children are home from school and now need tending to. Some single or “limbo” relationship people are realizing they really wish they had someone to depend on. Regardless of your situation... exceed t  

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Full Moon in Virgo, March 9, 2020: Seeking Perfection

Full Moon in Virgo, March 9, 2020: Seeking Perfection

March 05, 2020 0 Comments

This full Moon shines a light on both Virgo and Pisces. Virgo is a mutable earth sign, dedicated to getting down to the details. Ruled by Mercury, one would assume this particular full moon is intense to Mercury's current retrograde in the opposite sign, Pisces. Both signs symbolize the "pause and reflect" in the zodiac. While Virgo is more likely to come up with the crisis that Pisces heals, this lunation may bring up an area of your life where you feel its time to "clean house" (figuratively or literally). This is a time to be in touch with reality and seek 

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Full Moon in Leo, February 8 & 9, 2020: Here Comes the Sun (and Moon)

Full Moon in Leo, February 8 & 9, 2020: Here Comes the Sun (and Moon)

February 07, 2020 0 Comments

Upon looking at the physical aspects of this Full Moon, I’m thrilled to announce there isn’t a single negative aspect in my perspective. In fact, this is pretty much PERFECT, and a powerful manifesting Moon that I’m sure a lot of us welcome after January’s eclipse circus. Depending on your time zone, the Full Moon in Leo will be either the 8th or 9th of February. Adjust your rituals and intention setting accordingly. The Full Moon energy will be solid for...

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Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Cancer, January 10, 2020: Soul Stirring Emotions

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Cancer, January 10, 2020: Soul Stirring Emotions

January 08, 2020 0 Comments

For those of you who have been following my astrological overviews in recent months, now is the moment I have been preaching about. For months those of us in the spiritual and astrology community have been anticipating a rare astrological event that's about to take place. This Eclipse marks (in some ways) the end of cycles, but only the beginning in what is to be six to twelve months of some massive energy shifts. What we are calling this is the Saturn Pluto Conjunction of 2020. In astrology, when heavy-hitting outer planets come together, this is an omen of 

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Full Moon in Gemini, December 11 & 12, 2019: Slow Your Roll

Full Moon in Gemini, December 11 & 12, 2019: Slow Your Roll

December 10, 2019 0 Comments

This is one of those Full Moons that has more to it than what meets the eye. As an astrologer, this is known as the "Cold Moon," and I'm really beginning to see why. When Gemini really gets to the depths of its core traits, it can be cold and calculating. Detached, and seeking only facts or information. But this isn't why I am connecting this to being a "Cold Moon." While Gemini's usual behavior is chatty and happy go lucky, the aspects between Pluto/ Saturn/ and Venus make this lunation extra, chilly. Venus is moving into a tight conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn. 

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Full Moon in Taurus, November 12, 2019: Solid Ground

Full Moon in Taurus, November 12, 2019: Solid Ground

November 08, 2019 0 Comments

Overall this is an incredibly abundant and stable moon. This Full Moon is a very welcomed break from the last few stressful lunar cycles we've had in recent weeks. The Taurus Full Moon is generally about stabilizing or grounding out matters. Be that financially, or in terms of relationships, its usually a more so easy going lunation. This one is especially powerful, with nods to both Pluto as well as Saturn. Whenever these power hitters are involved, considerable structural changes are happening for a more significant cause; stability and transformation. 

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Full Moon in Aries, October 13, 2019: Ring of Fire

Full Moon in Aries, October 13, 2019: Ring of Fire

October 10, 2019 0 Comments

Caution ahead with this Full Moon: anything and everything that has been swept under the rug in recent weeks is very likely to come to light. As you can see by the list above, there is an insane amount of aspects during this lunation. As with most all Full Moons, this is a time of release and renewal. Those of us who are more aware of the aspects will handle these tense issues with care and not allow themselves to fall victim to Plutos power games. Those of you with cardinal placements (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) need to pay extra close attention to this Full Moon, as it's likely you'll blow your top. 

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Full Moon in Pisces, September 13, 2019: Cutting Through the Fog

Full Moon in Pisces, September 13, 2019: Cutting Through the Fog

September 12, 2019 0 Comments

Emotions may runneth over this Full Moon. With the intense amount of inner planets in Virgo opposing Neptune and the Moon in Pisces, things are bound to feel a bit overwhelming, or critical. Virgo and Pisces rule the 6th and 12th house, where we frequently need to examine further or let go of something in our lives. This may ultimately come out of the blue. There may be a conscious or unconscious struggle going on within us. Expect this to become highlighted or exposed at the time of this Full Moon. 

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Full Moon in Aquarius, August 15, 2019: Strength in Numbers:

Full Moon in Aquarius, August 15, 2019: Strength in Numbers:

August 12, 2019 0 Comments

This full moon is likely to be quite a significant turning point. We have plenty of planets still sitting in Leo and various other fixed signs. Fixed signs, on the one hand, are sturdy, dependable, and steadfast. On the other, they’re “fixed” in their ways, and stubborn. When we see planets lining up in the skies making these squares, it’s a cosmic push to create pressure to evolve. These energies we’ve seen recently all around the world the past few weeks, from protests in Hong Kong to Revolution happening in Puerto Rico. Here in America there is a strong wave of unification building after a series of tragic gun violence. The people are rising up and protesting together to create change. Aquarius represents groups, associations, and governing political bodies. Authority is going to be questioned, and the standing governing laws

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New Moon in Leo, July 31, 2019: Burning Love

New Moon in Leo, July 31, 2019: Burning Love

July 29, 2019 0 Comments

This is THE time to plant seeds for something inspiring. This is considered a black moon, one of TWO new moons in July, and the darkest time of the month during a very SOLAR (Leo) month!  Jupiter will be smiling at the time of this Moon, trining the Sun, and building over the following days. Venus conjunct the Sun and Moon in Leo at the time of the New Moon is symbolic of the divine connection to our heart space.

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Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn, Tuesday, July 16, 2019: Breakdown of Old Structures

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn, Tuesday, July 16, 2019: Breakdown of Old Structures

July 13, 2019 0 Comments

This one is going to be an intense one. There’s no sugar coating the effects of this particular eclipse. Lunar eclipses have a reputation for emotional unveilings. It’s an ongoing lesson in purging and the removal of something that threatens the dry foundations of your growth. Think of this eclipse as the event that actually starts the cataclysmic change. With this eclipse’s aspects to Pluto and the South node, its very evident some structure in your life is breaking down. This can be a job, that has become so heavy with the day in and day out routine. A relationship that feels more like a burden than a blessing. Potentially even a car, or place of residence....

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