Full Moon in Leo, February 8 & 9, 2020: Here Comes the Sun (and Moon)

February 07, 2020 0 Comments

Full Moon in Leo, February 8 & 9, 2020: Here Comes the Sun (and Moon)

Moon insights by Candace Looft, of Beyond the Veil Tarot  / Collage by Janeva Zentz 

Full Moon in Leo: Here comes the Sun (and Moon)

Saturday / Sunday, February 8th / 9th 2020
New Moon @ 20 degrees of Leo
11:33 PM PST // 2:33 AM EST
  • Sun in Aquarius oppose Moon in Leo
  • Mercury in Pisces trine the North Node in Cancer
  • Mercury sextile the South Node in Capricorn
  • Jupiter in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces
  • Uranus trine the South Node in Capricorn

Look out for/ work with: Leadership issues, achieving your goals, fulfilling your dreams, personal creative projects, children, success, individuality, drama, romance, passion.

Upon looking at the physical aspects of this Full Moon, I’m thrilled to announce there isn’t a single negative aspect in my perspective. In fact, this is pretty much PERFECT, and a powerful manifesting Moon that I’m sure a lot of us welcome after January’s eclipse circus. Depending on your time zone, the Full Moon in Leo will be either the 8th or 9th of February. Adjust your rituals and intention setting accordingly. The Full Moon energy will be solid for around two to three days, and I encourage everyone to do something to harness this positive energy.

The Sun and Moon make their monthly opposition creating this Full Moon. The Sun in Aquarius shines a light on individuality. It’s the fourth and most evolved of all of the fixed signs, and sets its sights on evolution. Topics such as political drama, space, and equality issues are likely to surface in the coming weeks. The tense opposition from the Moon will bring this out in the news headlines. The Leo Moon, on the other hand, is passionate, creative, and playful. It turns the narrative in the direction of ME instead of WE. It is wrapping up patterns and projects from nearly six months ago, back in August of 2019.

Every single planet makes positive trines, or sextiles during this Moon. What’s especially interesting is that Mercury, in Pisces, is speaking to the nodes. With both a trine and a sextile to the nodes of fate, we are asked to examine our feelings and intuitive thoughts to both the past and the future. Over the next three weeks, these feelings will ask us to dive deep into a specific situation for review. Don’t worry; in this case, a Mercury retrograde is positive, helping us uncover something we can’t quite put into words. Jupiter’s sextile to Neptune has us dreaming and believing in the future. More emotional and empathic than ever, but in a grounded and realistic way. It’s as if Jupiter is helping lay the tracks to your deepest desires. This is truly what dreams are made of. Uranus in Taurus trine the South node, helping us innovate and create change in our life where it’s long overdue.

This is a lunation that involves a bit of energy from several fixed signs of the zodiac, and fixed signs often don’t handle change well. It appears specific wheels are set in motion, asking us to be open to our heart’s desires. To better be at flow with this energy, splash out and do something that helps you harness this passionate and expansive Moon. Write that love letter, create, celebrate, and spend time with younger minded beings. This is all going to make your heart sing. Theater, drama, romance are all hot topics in the days ahead. Allow yourself to indulge a little bit and believe in magic.

Ritualistic Inspirations

Full Moon in Leo Offering Plate

Since the Full Moon will be taking place at night, I encourage you all to create an offering plate to the Sun and the Moon. This can be left directly under the Moonlight, or within view on an altar space. Do not eat the food or offerings once you have completed this. It only needs to be left out for the day of the full Moon into the evening. Ensure this is out of reach of any children or animals, and if you are using a candle that it is in a fireproof space for the night.

You will need any of the following:

  • A golden plate or bowl (any material is fine)**
  • Any small trinkets or jewelry/ crystals you wish to charge
  • Water in a chalice
  • Oranges, apples, figs or dates
  • Pastry or slice of cake
  • Chocolate
  • Beeswax candle
  • Lantern
  • Sunflowers, yellow or red roses
  • Honey

Include your intentions for this full Moon on a piece of paper. Write them all down, folding three times towards you. Place these intentions in the center of your plate, underneath your offering plate.

Be creative with your platter; it should be as special and unique as you. Offerings are an essential part of a ritual and give life to the spiritual energies that influence our life. Burning incense and meditation, as well as Sun salutations, are another great way to welcome this energy.



Candace Marie of Beyond the Veil Tarot has her degree in Cultural Anthropology with a minor in Theology, and studied at the School of Evolutionary Astrology. She is also a graduate of Sacred Crossings Death Midwifery School, and a root worker and herbalist. Read her bio here, and catch more of her work on Beyond the Veil Tarot.


Read more on astrology, horoscopes, occultism, magick & ritual on our blog, Esoteric Insights!

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