Spotlight on: Crystal Quartz!

June 25, 2020 0 Comments

Spotlight on: Crystal Quartz!

Quartz is one of the most abundant minerals on Earth, and is used widely for many reasons. In the science world, quartz is piezoelectric, meaning it has “electric polarization resulting from the application of mechanical stress.” (from the Oxford Dictionary). Piezoelectric substances are often used in musical and communications equipment like microphones, clocks, radios, televisions and earphones, because they convert mechanical signals like sound waves into electrical signals.


Quartz Quick Facts

  • Origin: All over, but ours mostly comes from Brazil
  • Variety: Silicon Dioxide
  • Mohs Hardness: 6 - 7
  • Chakra: All, Crown
  • Element: Storm
  • Physical Healing Properties: Used mostly for issues with the nervous system, but can be programmed to aid in any type of physical ailment.
  • Magic + Metaphysics: For centuries, the rock form of this mineral, known as crystal quartz, has been highly regarded in many cultures as holy and has been referred to as a "master healer" used for meditation and many religious practices. It is known to harness the energy of anything that is around or programmed to it, and can be used to cleanse and charge other minerals that have been drained of its original metaphysical properties.  


History and Lore: 

South America and Australia: Known as the “cosmis serpent” that generates and regenerates new life, continuously.

Roman/ Greek Mythology: Known as “Ice of the Gods”, or krustallos, was so cold it could never thaw.

Ancient Egypt: Quartz was thought to have broken off from the heavens, and thus was used to store energies from the sun, moon, and stars.

Western Europe: Quartz was carved into spheres for mental and spiritual healing. Today, we see these as “Crystal balls” used for divination.


Practical Applications:

Quartz is “The Master Healer” and amplifies the energy of anything that is programmed to it, and because of its ability to be negative and positively charged, it is able to channel and store energy for use at a later time. For this exact reason, it is also ideal to use during spiritual or meditation work. It can be used to balance, cleanse, charge, and carry the intentions of anyone, or of other crystals, so it can be used for any ritual with any intention, and even as a substitute should you not have other rocks, minerals, or other talismans around. Quartz helps banish negativity, and helps amplify meditation, prayer, and ritual, thus opening the mind and heart to higher self-realizations and connection to the spirit. Any magician should have quartz as a tool!





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