January 2020 Horoscopes

December 29, 2019 0 Comments

January 2020 Horoscopes

January 2020 Horoscopes

Monthly horoscopes by Candace Looft, of Beyond the Veil Tarot  / Collage by Janeva Zentz 


Welcome to your January 2020 overview!

This New Year is a force to be reckoned with. For those of you who have read my previous monthly overviews, this is the period of the super conjunctions I spoke of. Astrologers have spent the better part of the last few years studying and lecturing on this month's Saturn Pluto conjunction in Capricorn. This is an astrological event that takes place roughly every thirty-four years. Saturn in Capricorn favors those who put in the work and don't cut corners. Pluto is in it to slowly break down anything and everything for the sake of rebirth. When you put these two bad boys together, we see some transformative, and often challenging events that produce nothing but soul growth. 

Out in the world, I expect to see a time where trusted traditions, institutions, and political structures will be tested. You will begin to see power plays and struggles within big business and economics. The government will have to grapple with events that have eroded the foundation that America was built on. The courts may change, parties will evolve, and in the end, it will birth some new type of system. Both Pluto and Saturn move slowly, creating slow, integral shifts. We may not see these evolved states of being until closer to 2021. Consider 2020 as the building year. My advice is to come up with a step by step monthly or quarterly goal. Capricorn rewards planning and timing. 

But how does this affect you? Well, the macro is very much the micro. Many of us have spent the last few months identifying some toxic or outdated situations in our lives. The recent eclipses have brought these issues to light, and are now assisting us in flushing them out. Jupiter will be joining up with Mercury and the Sun in the first half of the month, helping us connect mentally and communicate on what it is we need to work on. Contracts, lists, and meetings are all favored and likely to produce some solid plans for professionals. Mars enters exciting Sagittarius on the 2nd, supporting travel plans, legal matters, and higher education. January 10 will debut another eclipse, but this time a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Cancer. This is likely to be a rather intense eclipse, with opposition to Pluto and Saturn. With its connections to Cancer, it's expected to bring up a lot of home and family matters. It may bring situations that involve having to move or relocate for work for some. 

Now here is where you want to mark your calendars for January. The "hot zone" of transits will be from January 10th- 15th. This is when the Saturn Pluto conjunction becomes exact, and the Sun and Mercury make connections as well. For those who have been struggling with letting go, or ending something in recent months, consider this your judgment day. Mercury and Pluto bring messages of "death" (not necessarily literal). For those of you who have already been in the process of detoxing for some time, expect to receive messages of praise from the universe. The truth is, January is the start of a brand new phase. It's necessary to clear out the old to make way for brand new, lighter energy. The Sun enters Aquarius on the 20th, ushering in new and unique energy for the next twenty-eight days. The New Moon will be in Aquarius on the 24th, and it promises to shake things up with it's harsh squares to Uranus. 

The month wraps with Venus making harmonious connections to Neptune. This is a beautiful and creative energy. Poets and artists will rejoice with its dreamy vibes. Venus will form squares to Mars, and either make art or confusion. My advice; plan a trip to a faraway place. Take a dance class. Play music, or perhaps write a song. This is also highly favorable for donating time or even services to those in need. Those of you in undefined relationships may notice a speed bump and brief confusion around love. It will pass. Wait until the beginning of February to have any defining discussions. 


Dates to Note:

January 2- Mercury in Capricorn conjunct Jupiter in Capricorn

January 3- Mars enters Sagittarius 

January 7- Sun in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces

January 8- Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces

January 10- Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Cancer

January 10- Uranus direct in Taurus

January 10- Sun in Capricorn conjunct Mercury in Capricorn

January 12- Mercury in Capricorn conjunct Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn

January 12- Saturn in Capricorn conjunct Pluto Capricorn

January 13- Sun conjunct Pluto in Capricorn

January 13- Venus enters Pisces

January 15- Venus in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus

January 16- Mercury enters Aquarius

January 18- Mercury in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus

January 20- Sun enters Aquarius

January 23- Venus in Pisces sextile Jupiter in Capricorn

January 23- Sun Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus

January 24- New Moon in Aquarius

January 25- Mercury in Aquarius sextile Mars in Sagittarius

January 26- Venus in Pisces square Mars in Sagittarius

January 27- Venus Pisces conjunct Neptune in Pisces

January 28- Mars in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces


To make the most of my astrological forecast, read your ascendant sign, as well as your Sun and Moon sign. Don't know your natal placements? Check out a free birth chart calculator online, or schedule a reading with me! 


Tarot Card: The Hermit- A time for self-discovery or meditation.

Now is the time to stand firm and take charge. Whether this is professionally or being the boss of your own life. This month marks a big step forward in making decisions that put you in the driver's seat. If you're looking to spruce up a resume or open a new business, this is the month. Take time to sit down and choose paths that are fulfilling and allow you to lead. If you can come up with a structured and organized plan for executing your goals, expect them to manifest as early as March of this year. Home and family may be hot topics mid-month. Pay close attention to necessary changes in the home front. Emotionally you may find yourself more sensitive than usual. Use the New Moon to manifest your biggest dreams and desires. Friends will lend some extra needed support. 


Tarot Card: The Chariot- Steady forward motion, taking charge.

Serious conversations may take place regarding educational planning. Continuing education, both formal or informal if favored. Especially if you're looking to get a new license or certification of some kind, work may provide opportunities to travel. This can be near or far. For those of you looking to plan trips for leisure, now is a good time. You may be going somewhere March/ April of 2020 or at the end of the year. Watch for legal disputes and issues with publishing of some kind. You may face some sort of delay in both of these departments. Look for this to manifest within a few weeks. 


Tarot Card: 7 of Cups- Lost in a sea of decisions or illusions. 

What is it you value? Are you pleased with the number in your bank account? These are likely to be questions you meditate on this month. The focus becomes on getting ahead and learning that two is sometimes better than one. Part of learning to trust a partner is having those tricky financial conversations. Opportunities like these are where trust is built. Coming up with a plan to achieve your financial goals this month is excellent. Flush out any ideas with a spouse or business partner to see any blind spots. You may be surprised by how willing they are to help you. Taxes, paying off debt, or loans may be on your mind. Handle any extra expenses now. Expect a nice financial upswing in March. 


Tarot Card: The Empress- Pregnant with ideas, or a child. Mothers. 

You and a romantic partner get on the same page this month about life goals. Sometimes to be in harmony, we need to meet others in the middle. Whether it's future family plans or better communication, you and a significant other grow this month. It may be challenging to feel heard, so if frustration ensues, seek the support of a counselor or therapist to help sort out disagreements. The truth is, your partner is likely having a hard time taking responsibility for their share of things. Your job is to move forward with optimism and self-care, and trust they will follow. The New Moon will help the two of you connect later in the month and become stronger than ever before. 



Tarot Card: The Wheel of Fortune- Fortune swinging in your favor.

Expect the unexpected in every way, shape, and form. You're likely to be thrown for a loop when it comes to both your emotions and your schedule. The truth is one is very likely to influence the other. If you're finding that you're emotionally spent or struggling, you will have to make adjustments in your schedule or health routine. Likely, this is for the better and will highlight the need for self-care. It's important to get rest and adequate sleep this month. Your dreams and intuition should be very active. If it's your work schedule that's changing or shifting job-wise, your emotions may be unsettled. Find time to fill in the gaps in your schedule with meditation and mindfulness. Pick up a 2020 planner and start planning your weeks out, seek balance. 



Tarot Card: 10 of Cups- Emotional fulfillment, family, and legacy. 

Friends are likely to be over the moon with good news. Some may be having children or having significant accomplishments. This good news will bring a smile to your face and make you feel a special kind of way. Influential people begin to enter your life this year, which helps you focus on your life goals and dreams. New friendships established are likely to bring good luck. Creativity, Joy, and dating are hot topics. Those in committed relationships may be considering taking the next steps or consider having children. Artists and those who are self-employed are likely to prosper this year. Your job is to choose joy in all situations when possible. In the second half of the month, commit to new health and fitness routines, download an app, or pick up a new gadget to help. 


Tarot Card: King of Swords- Standing firm in your ideas and decisions. 

All of the last year's hard work is about to make sense. Emotionally you're in a much different place. You're stronger and more focused than ever. Family and home life may be changing. Some of you are relocating soon, while others are looking to purchase a home and put down roots. Regardless of what you home plans, they're likely to go smoother than you could ever imagine between now and the spring look for these changes. But for now, the work doesn't stop; if anything, it grows. It may feel challenging juggling home and work obligations. Do your best to find a happy medium. You have an active six months ahead work-wise. Dating is positive all month long, as is new creative projects. Start anything new just after the New Moon, and it will blossom perfectly. 


Tarot Card: 5 of Wands- Putting your weapons down. Avoiding conflict. 

This is a month that requires a great deal of mental strength and focus. Transportation, vehicles, and communication are hot topics. Take caution when traveling, and don't be in a rush. Some of you will be considering signing off on a new purchase, while others will potentially be selling. Regardless, make sure you thoroughly read through the fine print and aren't missing anything. Writing, contracts, and short-distance travel are all favored this month. You may find yourself lost in a flurry of emails and text messages. There may be issues with electronics. Siblings or extended family may visit. They also may need your help. If you're finding yourself frustrated with a family member, take a breath and a step back. Something is changing about how you choose to communicate. You're becoming more so loving and patient.


Tarot Card: 9 of Cups- The true wish card. 

This is likely to be a month where you notice some significant financial changes. After several long years, Saturn is preparing to loosen his grip on your financial sector, just as Jupiter moves in. Spending may be higher than usual this month, or perhaps you're recovering from a holiday shopping frenzy. You're going to be rewarded for paying things off in full and getting ahead with savings. Regardless, bonuses and extra income are likely to make their way to you soon. Some may charge higher fees for personal services, while others get raises after the end of year reviews. The Full Moon eclipse is also likely to settle any debt or insurance issues. Just remember it's money in, money out. Spend accordingly. If you play your cards right, you'll set the bar high for the year to come. 


Tarot Card: 9 of Coins- Abundance and self-care, enjoying luxury 

Significant changes are taking place within you and your relationships. If individual relationships have run their course, they will reveal themselves. Those in committed relationships may have meaningful conversations or find themselves progressing to more serious phases. As you grow and evolve, so does your relationship with others. You've spent a great deal of time working on yourself and evolving into your current state of being. You come across as more mature, and a more profound sense of confidence shines through. If it's time to make changes or updates to your look or personal style, you may find this developing this month. Spend the extra money on quality products that will be long term power pieces. The New Moon will have you focused on your pocketbook and personal finances. If you've been looking to set new financial intentions, this will be the best time. 


Tarot Card: 5 of Swords- Disagreements, and mental stress. 

Do your best to pay close attention to your health and wellness this month. You're likely to find making changes to your diet or physical fitness is going to help reduce stress and just feel better overall. There are likely sleep disturbances or stress that leads to irregular eating or feeling a bit under the weather. Identify and kick bad habits; now is the best time. You have support from the cosmos to replace them with healthier ways of being. By practicing meditation and taking some time to rest, you're likely to feel recharged by the end of the month. You may feel drawn to spiritual or occult practices this month. If you're feeling unsettled, check in with an intuitive or astrologer to check-in spiritually. Hypnotism and past life regressions are also highly favored this month as well. 


Tarot Card: Queen of Pentacles- Secure in matters of finance, or health. Grounded. 

Your romantic life is about to take a turn for the better. Those of you looking to spice up your love life, or meet someone new, look out for the eclipse. It will be taking place in your true love and creativity sector. This makes everything dazzle and feel joyous. Those of you looking to perform or debut something creative, mid-month, is spectacular. This is an extra fertile time, so for those of you looking to expand your family or connect more so with children, enjoy. Your hopes and dreams may be evolving. You become most like the people you spend your time



Candace Marie of Beyond the Veil Tarot has her degree in Cultural Anthropology with a minor in Theology, and studied at the School of Evolutionary Astrology. She is also a graduate of Sacred Crossings Death Midwifery School, and a root worker and herbalist. Read her bio here, and catch more of her work on Beyond the Veil Tarot.


Read more on astrology, horoscopes, occultism, magick & ritual on our blog, Esoteric Insights!

with. Friendships may be at a crossroads. If you feel the need to expand socially, look into joining a group or association. Networking can bring in powerful new friendships and business contacts. 

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