August 27, 2019 0 Comments
Look out for/ work with:
Purification, cleansing, reorganizing, being of service, setting up a new altar, new job opportunities, health, pets, details, financial planning, editing, practicality, analytical pursuits, problem-solving, discernment, goal setting.
What a magnificent new moon! The Sun and Moon make their monthly connection in the mutable sign of Virgo. This happens every year in September, giving us a chance to reset, hone in on our health and organization in preparation for the end of our annual year. Maybe your kids have returned to school, giving you time to reorganize. Perhaps you’re looking for a side gig to make some extra money for the holidays. If you’re looking to do some seasonal cleaning, this is a potent moon to scrub something or someone out of your energy. Whatever it is, the inner planets linking up in Virgo are sure to help you get your list of to do’s completed. Consider this moon a real clean slate. Pick an area that you feel the need to start over in completely. If you don’t do this consciously, the full moon in Pisces in two weeks will illuminate what needs to be cleansed for you.
Virgo represents the being of service, but also the balance of masculinity and femininity. Many don’t realize this zodiac throughout history has been considered hermaphrodite. The theme of disbanding gender roles or duties may be on full display at the time of the new moon. This is an ideal time to let your inner androgynous nature show. Mars and Venus making aspects to both Saturn as well as Uranus can be electrifying. Romantically and financially, there will be opportunities that mat shock or surprise you. Women may feel an extra sense of empowerment, lending help to others in need. Men may find themselves more sensitive and more so submissive than usual. Everyone may feel more at peace and willing to work together. Others may come through, and he helpful or supportive in ways you never expected. While the more chaotic side of Uranus may send jolts so some, creating some chaos in the relationship department.
Jupiter, forming squares with Venus and Neptune indicates the possibility of BIG love, but also love that you may tend to overly idealize. Watch out for OVERLY nurturing or care-taking of someone. Be mindful that giving and receiving in relationships need to be in balance. Don’t fall into the Virgo trap of being self-sacrificial to a fault, or partaking in mistreatment. There’s no need to focus this energy on relationship HGTV projects. Get centered and ask yourself if you need to relay a little bit of that energy for yourself. Often needing to be preoccupied, Virgo energy can become nervous without tasks at hand. This energy can make some more susceptible to some sort of crisis. Finding an old project to revamp, tidying up, organizing, or editing of some kind can be the BEST outlet for this energy. Spending time with pets, or even offering your time to a charitable cause you believe in is also welcomed. Schedule those annual physicals or other health-related appointments.
Those of you who have some sort of home altar may want to remove your objects, clean them up, and reorganize that space. Take the time to clean everything down thoroughly. You may wish to place new crystals, tools, and statues that have been cleansed and prayed over. Virgo is an earth sign, so bringing in a new potted plant or piece of wood can be incredible energy. Those of you looking to reorganize an office or desk space, now through the next week is the best time to do this. Health and well being is an essential connection to this new moon. With angles from both Uranus and Saturn, many will benefit from committing to new physical fitness routines, detoxes, cleanses, and you may stick to them! Others may feel called to join group classes and even commit to healthier lifestyle changes with friends. It’s a fantastic time to pick up new electronics and gadgets that may be helpful at work or creatively. Apps that support food logging, exercise, and health monitoring are also favored.
Herbs: Fennel, Skullcap, Anise, Thyme
Symbols: The Virgin, The Hermit, Ceres, Demeter, Isis, the abdomen and intestines
Crystals: Jade, Jasper, Moss Agate, Amazonite
Color: Light blue, black, yellow
Hermit Seed Intention Ritual
You will need:
The Hermit Card from your tarot deck
Green or white candle
Incense of your choice
Empty pot, potting mix on the side
The seed of your choice
Candace Marie of Beyond the Veil Tarot has her degree in Cultural Anthropology with a minor in Theology, and studied at the School of Evolutionary Astrology. She is also a graduate of Sacred Crossings Death Midwifery School, and a root worker and herbalist. Read her bio here, and catch more of her work on Beyond the Veil Tarot.
Read more on astrology, horoscopes, occultism, magick & ritual on our blog, Esoteric Insights!
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Happy Full Moon in Capricorn! 🌝♑️It’s a special one as it is our second full moon in Capricorn in a row! So I did a quick tarot pull asking thee questions. In the earthen spirit of Capricorn of course I got pentacles, clarity, and straightforwardness with this reading lol. Took me less than 5 minutes to understand. Read for for the spread!