September 2020 Horoscopes

August 28, 2020 0 Comments

September 2020 Horoscopes

Moon insights by Candace Looft, of Beyond the Veil Tarot  / Collage by Janeva Zentz 

September 2020 Horoscopes

Welcome to your September 2020 astrological overview!
This will be a month where we see a great deal of power building in the cosmos. The month kicks off with Mercury, the messenger in Virgo’s home sign, making connections to transformative Pluto. Look for powerful conversations and inside information around the 1st. Shortly after, on the 2nd, Venus moves to oppose Saturn in Capricorn. This will create a feeling of limitation and delay when it comes to love and finances. You’ll likely experience a situation where you have to pass some sort of “Saturn test” and choose between what feels right and what’s practical. This all leads up to a mystical Full Moon in Pisces that same day. This Full Moon and the Sun will trine Uranus in Taurus, giving a new and innovative feel to the following days. Look for new ways to approach health and wellness. Shortly after, on the 3rd, Mercury moves to trine Saturn and make some concrete plans. 
Venus in Cancer moves to square Mars on the 4th, bringing about passion and excitement. This same day, Mercury aspects Venus suggesting the need to communicate love and feelings openly. These are great days for short getaway trips with a loved one. On the 5th of the month, Mercury moves into the air sign Libra, emphasizing partnerships and communication. On the 6th, Venus moves into fiery, passionate, and loving Leo. This will bring about dramatic shows of love and romance. The big news of the month is Mars retrograde through the sign of Aries, which begins on September 9. This will backtrack through the degrees Mars has visited in the previous few weeks. Mars is a planet of passion, confrontation, and war. Where Mars goes retrograde will be nearly two months of frustration or added desire. The choice is yours. In the weeks ahead, Mars will bump heads once again with the gang of planets in Capricorn, along with the Sun in Libra. This will bring about squares that force things into action. 
On the 11th of the month, the Sun in Virgo stands opposing Neptune in Pisces. This is a day to watch for haziness and psychic drain. This is also an excellent day to make art or watch movies, however, it’s probably not likely a time to make any clear-minded decisions. Mid-month, the Sun in Virgo plays well with Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn, giving us some solid earthy power. When these planets link up in Earth signs, we feel better grounded and connected. Financial and physical pieces come together. Thankfully both Saturn and Jupiter move direct ending their several month retrogrades. Now that Saturn, the teacher, and Jupiter the expander move forward- we finish up four months of karmic matters before these two move into futuristic Aquarius. On the 15th-17th of the month, watch out for a few exciting turn of events. Venus in Leo moves into an unpredictable square with Uranus in Taurus, while Mercury in Libra moves to square Jupiter in Capricorn. Big words and feelings are likely to arise. On the 17th of the month, we have a New Moon in Virgo, heading us all to get down to details. This same moon/day, the Sun trines Saturn, promising an extra boost from the karma lords for the month ahead. 
On the 21st of the month, Mercury in Libra moves into an uncomfortable square with Capricorn planets for a several day period. These are the days to watch for confrontation, power struggles, along with conflict, among others. When Mercury is at odds with both Pluto and Saturn, one would expect some hard doses of reality to be at work. Heed any caution or advice given to you these days. On the 23rd of the month, The Sun enters Libra, shining a light on partnerships and harmony. Mercury will oppose Mars shortly after, showing us where we may not exactly be seeing eye to eye with forces in our lives. Some may have to fight to get a word in. Others may just opt to fight period. On the 27th, Mercury moves into passionate Scorpio and is officially in Mercury retrograde shadow. In the weeks ahead, the Mercury storm may act up. Double-check any electronics, back up computers and watch for issues with travel delays to vehicles. The month finishes off with a passionate fire trine between Venus in Leo and Mars in Aries, and it’s likely we have opportunities to make magic happen. Mars will rub up against Saturn once again, bringing about friction that you may have experienced back in mid-end of August last month. 


Notable dates and transits:
  • September 1- Mercury in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn
  • September 2- Venus in Cancer opposite Saturn in Capricorn
  • September 2- Full Moon in Pisces
  • September 2- Sun in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus
  • September 3- Mercury in Virgo trine Saturn in Capricorn
  • September 4- Venus in Cancer square Mars in Aries
  • September 4-Mercury in Virgo sextile Venus in Cancer
  • September 5- Mercury enters Libra
  • September 6- Venus enters Leo
  • September 9- Mars retrograde in Aries
  • September 9- Sun in Virgo trine Jupiter in Capricorn
  • September 11- Sun in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces
  • September 12- Jupiter direct in Capricorn
  • September 14- Sun in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn
  • September 15- Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus
  • September 17- Mercury in Libra square Jupiter in Capricorn
  • September 17- New Moon in Virgo
  • September 17- Sun in Virgo trine Saturn in Capricorn
  • September 21- Mercury in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn
  • September 23- Mercury in Libra square Saturn in Capricorn
  • September 23- Sun enters Libra
  • September 24- Mercury in Libra opposite Mars Aries
  • September 27- Mercury enters Scorpio
  • September 28- Saturn direct in Capricorn
  • September 28- Venus in Leo trine Mars in Aries
  • September 29- Mars in Aries square Saturn in Capricorn
To make the most of my astrological horoscopes, please read your ASCENDANT sign, followed by your SUN and MOON sign. This will give you the best advice and be the most appropriate timing-wise. Don’t know your personal astrology? Check out this free astrological calculator, or book a session with me!


Tarot Card: 4 of Coins- Holding onto something too tight, refusing to let go. 
This month kicks off with an emphasis in closing chapters. Around the time of the Full Moon, expect to be more sensitive and withdrawn than usual. This will be a lunation that emphasizes bringing things to a close or exposing some invisible limitation in your life. Mars, the planet of war and passion, will turn retrograde in your own sign. Time to slow down and calm your temper. Don’t go picking fights with authorities, and watch how you communicate with partners all month long. Saturn and Pluto move forward this month in your career zone, allowing you to rise up in your professional accomplishments. New jobs can start, while old and outdated roles may dissolve. The New moon shines a light on health and wellness. It’s an excellent time to clean up your diet, start a new fitness routine, or create a to-do list. All month the Sun shines a light on your relationships. Time to decide what is and what is not working concerning others.
Tarot Card: Knight of Coins- An Earth sign male, a cautious approach. 
Friendships and accomplishments seem to be a theme this month. The Full Moon shines a light on significant wish fulfillment and dream goals. Friends may be coming together to celebrate something, and you want to be there. This lunation will have you feeling like all you’ve ever asked for is coming true. Mid-month, Mars goes backtracking through your subconscious self. Here Mars will spend the next several months waking up your dreams and helping you travel the astral. Meditation, shamanic journeying, and spiritual expansion are all helpful topics in the months ahead. With Saturn and Jupiter moving forward in your house of higher knowledge, it’s likely travel opens up for you soon. If you’ve been struggling with educational or legal related matters, these should also clear up shortly. The new moon is all about creativity and nurturing your romantic side. The Sun moving through your 6th house all month has your focus on health and wellness. Commit to new ways of staying healthy. 
Tarot Card: Knight of Cups- A Water sign male, a romantic or passionate connection. 
Big things are happening in your professional sphere! Right around the time of the new moon, look for a significant accomplishment or deal to go through. All eyes will be on you, and you’ll have the attention of your superiors. Mars will be going retrograde through your friendship zone, so it’s essential to watch out for disagreeing with those closest to you. You may be more set on being independent rather than hanging out with the usual crowd. Focus on your dreams and inspirations; this is the most important area for manifestation for the next four months. Jupiter and Saturn are not now direct in your house of intimacy. If you have felt as if you lost your mojo, don’t fret. Your sex drive, as well as pooled resources, should be coming back online. The Sun in Libra will have you feeling extra romantic and sexy. On the new moon at the end of the month, it takes place in your home zone. So if you’re looking to make a change in your living situation or perhaps even the decor of your home, now is the time.
Tarot Card: 7 of Coins- Cautiously analyzing a situation, planting seeds. 
Your thoughts and beliefs take center stage at the beginning of the month. The full moon emphasizes continuing education, foreign travel, or your philosophy. It may be an extra spiritual time where you are connecting with your higher mind. Mid-month, Mars starts its retrograde through your career zone. In the months ahead, it’s going to be a mixed bag when it comes to your professional life. Those of you guys who are looking for a new job may just be in luck. However, those of you who are currently employed but not thrilled by your position may find it challenging to maintain your status. It may be riddled with difficult bosses or delays in launching projects. Word to the wise: be smart when it comes to making professional moves for the next eight weeks. Those of you who are looking to launch businesses will be more successful if you wait until the second half of November. Jupiter and Saturn are blessing your relationship zone, giving you lots of abundance and new connections. The new moon at the end of the month is emphasizing contracts, communications, or vehicles. Spend some extra time this month figuring out a home or living situation and how you can make more space for a partner. 
Tarot Card:: 3 of Cups- A celebration among friends.
This is going to be an extra sensual month ahead. The full moon shines a light on your sexual nature and pooled resources. There may be some extra intense connections made in the first half of the month. Mid-month, Mars goes retrograde through your house of the higher mind. This can cause both traveling and continuing education challenging in the months ahead. This might be an excess of travel for some of you and feel like you never slow down. For others, this could be delays in education deadlines, relocations, or legal issues. Both Jupiter and Saturn are turning direct in your health zone, indicating that you’ve made the necessary changes both in your day-to-day routine and in your diet. Reflect on what you have cut out of your life that wasn’t healthy for you. Be mindful that your schedule still may change a bit. The new moon is emphasizing setting intentions that have to do with your financial interests. Money or abundance magic can be extra potent during this moon. The second half of the month emphasizes communication and contracts. You might notice there is much more of a need to communicate with a spouse or a partner and come to a mutual understanding. Vehicles should be well looked after as well. If you get the chance the second half of the month to break free and get out of town for the weekend, do so.
Tarot Card: 6 of Swords- in Limbo, moving, or having to move forward. 
What’s going on with your relationships this month? Is it time to close chapters or move onto the next phase? The full moon is going to be giving you your answer. Mars is going retrograde for your 8th house, which has to do with other people’s money. You may find yourself frustrated, trying to pay off debt, or not feeling sexually fulfilled. Regardless of what happens, watch your temper! Jupiter and Saturn are trying to bring you opportunities for true love and creativity. Do not squander the months ahead as there’s only a few months of this juicy energy. Watch your ego as it’s likely to be checked several times in the weeks ahead by others. If you’re looking to move forward with a creative outlet or hobby, now is the time. The New moon is in your 1st house of self, giving you a powerful boost of energy. This is an excellent time to focus on body maintenance, health, or wellness. Getting a haircut or cleaning up your style is favored as well. The two weeks after this moon is ideal for a physical makeover. As the Sun moves into Libra, there’s much more emphasis on your self-esteem, and making money. It’s a necessary time to ask yourself what it is you value in other people, and are you on the same page as your partners. 
Tarot Card: 4 of Wands- Temporary spaces, socializing, and celebrating. 
Organizing your schedule is going to be a bit of a doozy this month. The full moon emphasizes showing you where you’re doing too much. This could be working too much, sleeping too much, avoiding too much. Regardless of whatever the “too much “is, the full moon will shine a light on that for you. Mid-month, Mars is going to go retrograde in your 7th house, and partners are likely to be a little bit more intense than usual. You may find yourself in a bit of a sticky situation regarding appeasing a relationship and a family member. Many of you are deciding whether you will move to make space for somebody in your life. This could be a relationship or a family member. Roommate drama can come up here as well. Regardless, stay calm and allow this to unfold until October. Jupiter and Saturn are now expanding your home zone, so if you’re ready to move, be on the lookout as something is likely to happen between now and the end of the year. The new moon is in your hidden subconscious zone and may have you feeling a little anxious. Take time to cut out anything toxic or negative, especially if these are bad habits or bad eating habits. You’re likely to come face-to-face with some of your vices this month. Thankfully the Sun moving into your sign is preparing you for your birthday and giving you an extra boost of vitality and support from others. 
Tarot Card: 7 of Wands- Getting ahead of the situation, being on top. 
Romance and creativity are in the air this month, get ready! The full moon puts a massive emphasis on romance and some significant connections being made. It wouldn’t surprise me if you feel like your heart is ready to burst at the seams. Mars will be going retrograde for your 6th house, which emphasizes both your health and your schedule. You need to be taking time to take care of your diet and your fitness routine. Don’t do anything too hasty, take your time. But if you can take the time to work out and check everything off your to-do list, that would be ideal. There’s going to be a sense of you reworking your schedule for the next few weeks ahead. Perhaps you’re working from home or having a change of scenery. Regardless, try to stay on track. Jupiter and Saturn are expanding your communication zone, it’s likely you’re having quite a few emails or phone calls. Texts and emails will be flowing heavily. Pace yourself and take your time, once again, stick to your schedule. Your words have power now, so be cautious of how you wield them. The new moon will emphasize new associations and friendships. It’s possible you’ll be meeting new people or joining an association. This is an excellent moon for wishes! Be sure to write them down. In the second half of the month, the Sun moves into your subconscious zone. You may find yourself learning things about relationships that you weren’t aware of. Keep your cool, and do your best to release any relationship anxiety or fear revolving around things not working out. You must keep asking yourself: but what if they do?
Tarot Card: 9 of Cups- Wishes granted, getting everything you wanted. 
Hold on your pants! Some significant changes are going on within your home and family zone. What is no longer working for you? Where are you feeling emotionally drained or unfulfilled? Is there somebody in your space that you’re just not jiving with? All of these things can come up as a result of the full moon. Shortly after Mars goes retrograde in your 5th house of children and creativity, those of you guys who have kids should expect them to be a handful. You’ll want to find lots of extracurricular activities to keep them busy. It can also possibly be you getting your kids ready to go back to school. For those of you guys without children- There’s much more emphasis on creativity and or romance. You might be feeling a little bit more frisky when it comes to connecting with other people or expressing yourself. Jupiter and Saturn are now moving direct in your financial zone, and this is going to open up any issues you’ve had with cash flow. Your abundance is likely to expand in the months ahead. Focus more on your self-esteem and how much time you’re investing in your projects. The new moon at the end of the month will assist you in setting new intentions for your professional life and career. The Sun in Libra is going to light up your social zone. You may have friends wanting to get together or reconnect, be sure to join. You never know what romance may start for you as a result of a social outing. 
Tarot Card: Ace of Swords- New beginnings, conversations, contracts. 
Your words have power this month, wield them wisely! The full moon emphasizes communicating and connecting all the dots. Calls, texts, and unexpected conversations are likely to take place. You may find that some deep conversations take place with your neighbors or siblings. Mid-month, Mars goes retrograde in your 3rd or 4th house, which can be a blessing or a curse. If you’re looking for somewhere to move or renovate, this will work for your benefit. However, if you are living with family or roommates, the next several weeks can be very challenging. There could be issues with landlords or family arguments. Steer clear of these situations whenever possible, and if you feel like you need your own space, you may want to start looking for it. Jupiter and Saturn are now direct in your personal sign; this will give you an extra boost of energy and better boundaries. The new moon in the second half of the month has you setting intentions regarding your beliefs. You may get a head start planning a trip for later in the year, or possibly publishing something. Regardless of what it is, you’ll work out all the details perfectly. The Sun in Libra is lighting up your career zone, which will be an important month ahead for relating to other people. Look to see who can assist you in recognition at the office.
Tarot Card: The Fool- New adventures, taking a chance, travel. 
This month there’s a significant emphasis on planning future travels. The Sun in Libra is lighting up a focus on going to faraway places. The second half of the month is going to be the most beneficial for deciding where it is that you want to go. The full moon is emphasizing financial matters. There may be a need to get some clarity about your spending. Whatever comes up, be sure to seek assistance if needed. Jupiter and Saturn are now direct in your subconscious zone. If you’ve been dealing with stress or anxiety, it’s likely to clear in the weeks ahead. Mars is going retrograde in your house of communication, so it’s important to speak your truth. Be cautious with vehicles and short distance travel. The same goes for conflict with neighbors or family members. The only catch is learning how to communicate fears before they come to the surface. Dreams may be extra potent now as well, as should be any spiritual work. The new moon in the second half of the month emphasizes joint finances and possibly paying off debt. You may have to get creative when it comes to figuring out how to finance things. Other people’s influence on you is likely to be very potent, so be mindful of those you share your energy or resources with. Only a select few should have access to all that you have to offer.  
Tarot Card: Queen of Wands- A Fire sign woman, expressive and creative. 
What an excellent full moon for you! It’s going to be in your home sign and illuminating everything that needs to come to a close. Your body is likely to be extra sensitive, so take a bath or relax by the beach if you get the chance. Mars is going retrograde in your financial zone, so it’s important to be mindful of spending in the weeks ahead. Stick to a budget if you can and avoid impulse purchases. Jupiter and Saturn are moving direct in your friendship zone, illuminating powerful connections socially. Networking in group projects is extra beneficial in the weeks ahead. There’s also a new moon in your relationship sector, indicating the need to plant new seeds with others. What is it that you want from relationships? Now is the time to set the bar high. Those of you guys who are single may meet somebody new in the months ahead that are very significant. The Sun in Libra has you feeling sexy, and really enhance your ability to connect with like-minded people. Pooled resources and paying off debt may be hot topics. Where can other people help bring you stability and security? Don’t be afraid to speak candidly about what you need to feel safe. 






Candace Marie of Beyond the Veil Tarot has her degree in Cultural Anthropology with a minor in Theology, and studied at the School of Evolutionary Astrology. She is also a graduate of Sacred Crossings Death Midwifery School, and a root worker and herbalist. Read her bio here, and catch more of her work on Beyond the Veil Tarot.


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