Full Moon in Libra, March 20 2019: Rebalancing of the Scales

March 18, 2019 0 Comments

Full Moon in Libra, March 20 2019: Rebalancing of the Scales

Moon insights by Candace Looft, of Beyond the Veil Tarot  / Collage by Janeva Zentz 



Wednesday, March 20th, 2019 Full Moon @ 00 degrees of Libra 
6:42 p.m. PST// 11:42 p.m. EST


  • Sun conjunct Chiron in Aries
  • Mercury in Pisces square Jupiter in Sagittarius 
  • Mercury in Pisces sextile Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn 
  • Venus in Aquarius sextile Jupiter in Sagittarius, and Square Mars in Taurus 
  • Mars in Taurus trine Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn 


Look Out For/ Work With:

Equality, fairness, relationships, turning points, relationship values, abrupt shifts, self-development, planting seeds, rebirth, the kidneys. 



Just hours after the Sun’s move into the fierce Cardinal sign of Aries, we also welcome the Spring Equinox. A perfect balance of the night and day. You’re about to be thrust into the Astrological New Year. This energy will pack quite the punch, stirring up things that will require our immediate attention. This is another Full Moon that is debuting at zero degrees, yet again another beginning and an end. While Full Moon’s bring completions, zero degrees indicate an opportunity to start over. With centaur Chiron in the mix, it’s incredibly evident that whatever comes up in relation to this Full Moon, we must play an active role in taking responsibility for part in all of this. This may come in a bit of a painful, or unpleasant way. It’s possible we may become much more bluntly (Aries) aware of an Achilles’  heel in our life. 

The Moon will be making a funky inconjunct to Uranus, which has recently moved into the fixed sign of Taurus. It’s becoming increasingly evident that Venus is the star of the show. Venus rules both Taurus as well as Libra. This is setting the stage for some significant lessons in relationships, both with others and ourselves. What value are we putting on our relationships with others? Are we holding on for good, logical reasons, or are we afraid of being alone? Do you and your business partners, your spouses, or financial lenders have your best interests at heart? These are some good questions to be asking yourself at the time of this Full Moon. If you’re sensing something is out of balance, you may want to spend the days following taking action to course correct where there is something out of whack. 

Answers will come to us, but with a bit of delay. It may be days before we really start putting things into action. Mercury is still retrograde in Pisces feeling things out until next week. Some issues still may feel a bit tender, but acknowledgment is the key to any forward motion. Mars in Taurus will be making some earthly trines to Pluto, which helps you stay on track and handle just about any obstacle in your way. Pluto always makes room for transformation, and with trines it’s easier energy to manage. Mars in aspect to Pluto represents some heavy duty shifts that may actually stick. So for those of you wavering on ending jobs, relationships, or other major partnerships be mindful. Your actions have major consequences now. If you are ready to, you have the power to truly, genuinely cut ties with others should you choose to do so. 

Venus Libra’s ruler, will be in quirky Aquarius squaring off with stubborn Mars in Taurus. Both of these fixed signs have issues being flexible and may show you clear as day where you need to learn to avoid conflict but seek resolution, even if that means walking away. Any push back you get now is purely the manifestation of who or what isn’t playing by the rules. This is where you take notes, see where you stand with people, and plan your exit strategy for later in the month. The most challenging aspect will be not fighting back, using manipulative or power play tactics, and instead focusing on shifting YOUR ACTIONS. 

At the end of the day, the events arising from this moon may be explosive and not so pleasant. But It’s happening to encourage PERSONAL GROWTH and maturity. Taking the high road, and choosing to raise our vibrations. By doing so, the universe will rise up to meet you. Assisting your personal growth and development, healing any insecurities should you muster up the courage to say, “no, no thank you, not for me, or this is not enough”.

Hang in there, there’s some beauty in the breakdown. You’re a lot stronger than you think.


Ritualistic Inspirations

  • Herbs: Jasmine and fresh wildflowers like daffodils, fresh rainwater. 
  • Incense: Jasmine flowers, rose petals, lavender, copal
  • Symbols: Eggs, seeds, sprouts, fertility goddesses. Try the Fertility Ritual Kit- it has everything!
  • Colors: Pastels; green. peach, yellow, lavender or pink.


Try This...

  • Create a vision board for yourself and your personal goals for the year ahead. 
  • Plant new seeds, enchant them with intentions. Care for them, and watch them grow. 
  • Set up fertility altars welcoming new energy and life for children or creative projects.
  • Drink lots of water and stay hydrated, watch for excess sugar. Try taking a bath or making an herbal tea with the flowers mentioned above. Our Aphrodisiac Bath Salt Ritual Kit is versatile and great for the season.








Candace Marie of Beyond the Veil Tarot has her degree in Cultural Anthropology with a minor in Theology, and studied at the School of Evolutionary Astrology. She is also a graduate of Sacred Crossings Death Midwifery School, and a root worker and herbalist. Read her bio here, and catch more of her work on Beyond the Veil Tarot.


Read more on astrology, horoscopes, occultism, magick & ritual on our blog, Esoteric Insights!

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