Pisces: Mystical Martyr and Dreamer

February 19, 2020 0 Comments

Pisces: Mystical Martyr and Dreamer


Mystical Martyr and Dreamer

February 18/ 19 - March 20

by Cody Channel



  • Planetary Ruler: Neptune and in Ancient times was ruled by Jupiter.
  • House Association: 12th
  • Element: Water
  • Mode: Mutable
  • Symbol: Two koi fish swimming in opposite directions, representing the duality of the heavens above and below on earth.
  • Positive Traits: The ability to love unconditionally, mystical / healing abilities, empathy, creatively gifted, old soul, romantic.
  • Negative Traits: Escape artist, addict, lost soul, self destructive, jealous, manipulative.
  • Compatible Signs: Pisces loves all signs but can find deep friendship with fellow water signs Scorpio and Cancer. In love their opposite Virgo will be a great match to help ground and nurture them. A noted friendship or creative relationship with Leo as they mutually muse one another.
  • Herbs: Rose Hips, seaweed.
  • Crystals: Aquamarine, Amethyst, Bloodstone, Jade
  • Tarot: The Moon, Page of Cups
  • Region of the body: Feet and lymphatic system.
  • Color: violet, sea foam green, white
  • Famous Pisces: Albert Einstein and Dr. Suess



On February 19th, The sun enters the mystical sign of Pisces where it will stay until March 20th. The word “Pisces” comes from the Latin word for fish. In Greek Mythology, the Pisces constellation represents the story of Aphrodite and Eros (Venus and Cupid) and how they escaped Typhon (sent to kill the Gods) by being turned into two fish connected by a ribbon.

The sign of Pisces dwells in a rich inner world and can be a conduit for brilliant dreams and creations. In the highest manifestation, Pisces can be of service with their unconditional love and healing capabilities. Pisces are connected to the higher realms and can feel everything around them, which can cause some confusion. Whether they choose to channel their intuitive knowledge into healing and art or into climbing the corporate ladder; they will need to learn to filter their surroundings. They can absorb and receive information like giant sponges and will want to be sure they have a private and tranquil space to break away from the chaos of life on Earth. 

Pisces life lessons are to share their open heart and knowledge with the world, channel unique art, heal the sick and wounded, establish firm boundaries, find their twin flames or soul mates, and purify themselves of addictions by finding deep connection.

Pisces is the final sign in the zodiac which means they have accumulated the title of “old soul” and have lived through the lessons of all signs before them. Because they are old and wise in spirit, they have a large aura full of karmic ties and rich emotional history that can attract and be met with darkness and manipulation of equal abilities, possibly luring them off course.

Ruled by Neptune which is the higher vibration of Venus; Pisces is the hopeless romantic, and can live in their imagination if they aren’t met with a physical lover. In relationship they can smother and emotionally overwhelm their partner but at the same time can be thoughtful and exciting in their romantic gestures. Once they find their soul mate on earth, they often mate for life. Pisces will find that they can learn from their opposite sign of Virgo how to organize and structure their life so that they can have one foot firmly planted on earth whilst allowing their mystical insights to ripple through our world.

Pisces rules the 12th house in the Natal Chart, which is the area of our lives where we connect with spirituality, dreams, otherworldly creativity, institutions, and unseen or subconscious energy. Whichever sign rules your 12th house will describe the energy you have available to you when approaching such themes in your life.

Pisces more than any sign, needs a lot of protection and structure in order to thrive on earth. Pisces can merge and take on the energy of everything, as its watery nature can seep into the darkest of crevices. Their imagination is otherworldly and can hold space for uniquely captivating works of art. They can get confused easily and need re assurance to stay on track.

One of Pisces greatest struggles is their inability to be understood or seen by others in a similar frequency. When they feel overwhelmed with grief they can shut down and become escape artists. Pisces may turn to substances and self sabotage if they aren’t able to establish human connection and can become shut off from their gifts and begin to create massive negative energy fueled by their subconscious. 

Pisces can be some of the best listeners and therefore make excellent therapists and healers. They are connected to the oceans and are drawn to live near the beaches of the world. Just like the ocean, they constantly give without an expectation of return. They require patience and persistence as lovers and friends and can reward those who are deserving with the type of love that can shake you to your core if your are brave enough to allow it.

Pisces are often seen being able to ride the waves of their darker emotions by healing themselves through art and compassionate self care. They are able to serve our human consciousness by holding large containers of emotional space as they have open boundaries and have to learn through trial and error how to effectively communicate their needs. Because they hate taking up the space that they dwell in, it can often backfire on them when they try to make everyone else happy and neglect themselves and their own needs. They will benefit greatly from following their emotions and grief to their full conclusions so they can release whatever they are carrying around with them. 

Pisces is the final water sign representing the full maturation of emotional and intuitive abilities. Ruling over dreams, Pisces has a dreamy quality that is hard to describe with words. In their highest vibration they can flow freely in loving service to humanity. In our current world many of these qualities are not valued nor supported so if you or a loved one are Pisces please don’t hesitate to ask for assistance as it can quite literally “Take a village” to support and nurture them into their higher calling. 

“To realize the full glory and truth of love, the Fish can, if he or she chooses, call on the innocence of Aries, the patience of Taurus, the awareness of Gemini, the perception of Cancer, the nobility of Leo, the discrimination of Virgo, the judgment of Libra, the penetration of Scorpio, the honesty of Sagittarius, the wisdom of Capricorn – and the humanitarianism of Aquarius”.

― Linda Goodman








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