October 28, 2019 0 Comments
Welcome to your November 2019 overview!
We've got an action-packed month ahead. Per my October forecast, we are in a month of Mercury retrograde. It kicks off on Halloween and will be glitchy until the retrograde ends on November 20th. Keep in mind the shadow will linger until closer to December 7th. The shadow at times can create just as much havoc if not more with some retrogrades. All the same usual rules apply; be mindful of contracts, buying autos, or any other major mechanical or electronic purchases. I recommend anyone getting their holiday shopping early to consider purchasing an extended warranty and keeping all the receipts. This particular retrograde appears to be pulling out all the last and final stops before we move into the eclipses of December and major conjunctions of January 2020.
Scorpio rules the realms of death, sex, and transformation. With the aspects made to both Saturn as well as Pluto, its as if the universe is going, "ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO DO THIS? ". Many of you will be confronting fears about starting over, debt, finances, and your favorite; SECRETS. Something about Mercury's journey into the depths of Scorpio is hypnotic and cuts deep psychologically into things most of us wouldn't see at first glance. It reminds me of Dantes Inferno and the several realms of hell. Expect this to be a month of expansions and contractions. Meditate on removing any thoughts or negative energies that need to go. Not every sign is going to do this with grace, the fixed signs may have a much more challenging time. Do yourself a favor, find out which house Scorpio is, you'll thank me later.
At this point, Saturn is our friend. If there are two signs of the Zodiac that can help take you to hell and then make it back safely, it's Capricorn and Scorpio. The Mars squares to Pluto on the 5th set the stage for what exactly needs to "go" before some deeper intense feelings down the road in mid-November. Thankfully Saturn is in harmonious aspect to Neptune in Pisces, which encourages you in all that you do, MAKE IT REAL. If you can dream or imagine it, make it happen.
Mid-month is chatty with quite a few messages while the Sun is conjunct Mercury. Big decisions are being made that help you forge a way forward on the 11th. The Full Moon in Taurus will be making some lovely aspects to Saturn, stabilizing whatever challenges that have come about. Expect a universal message or tidbit to be dropped in your lap. This appears to be a piece of information or a new perspective. Watch out for quarrelsome behaviors and sudden accidents when Mars opposes Uranus in Taurus on the 24th. Be extra careful with finances and going a little too hard with the credit cards as well. The New Moon in Sagittarius will help bring us healing and a sense of new direction. It will have some healing effects from Chiron, and a good hard look at love or value thanks to Venus's move into Capricorn. Changes are expected the days after that transit.
I would like to remind you all that we are approaching Eclipse season again. The next one will be in December, just after Christmas on the 26th in Capricorn. I will be writing more about this next month, but it's not unusual to be feeling the intense effects of eclipses a month or so before it taking place. Stay grounded, get some time in nature, and keep your eyes on the prize. If you have any personal planets on or around 4 degrees of Capricorn in your natal chart, it may be work speaking to an astrologer about. Take care, and I'll talk with you all next month!
Dates to Note:
November 1st - Venus enters Sagittarius
November 5th - Mars in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn
November 8th - Sun in Scorpio sextile Saturn in Capricorn
November 8th- Saturn in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces
November 9th- Mercury in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn
November 11th- Sun in Scorpio conjunct Mercury in Scorpio
November 12th- Mars in Libra sextile Jupiter in Sagittarius
November 12th- Full Moon in Taurus
November 13th- Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces
November 13th- Sun in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn
November 13th- Mercury in Scorpio sextile Saturn in Capricorn
November 14th- Venus in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces
November 24th- Mars in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus
November 25th- Venus enters Capricorn
November 26th- New Moon in Sagittarius
November 27th- Neptune direct in Pisces
November 28th- Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces
November 28th- Venus in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus
November 30th- Mercury in Scorpio sextile Saturn in Capricorn
To make the most of my astrological forecast, read your ascendant sign, as well as your Sun and Moon sign. Don't know your natal placements? Check out a free birth chart calculator online, or schedule a reading with me!
Tarot Card: The Empress- Pregnant with new ideas or inspiration. Fertile.
This is a month to focus on your personal power and regeneration. You may find yourself turning inward and reflecting on what is necessary for security. The topics of sexuality and finances become eye-opening. This is a great month to get clear about any debt for budgeting issues. Check-in with a professional if you need some guidance. Look through old documents or receipts if handling tax situations. Your partner may be needing to confide in you for some support. Look for advancement in the career department, you're getting ready for some big news next month. You'll be stepping up in the world and taking on more responsibility in some way. Love or financial connections may be made with foreigners or those abroad. Detoxing and decluttering is advised all month, and can be exceptionally helpful in giving you a fresh start mentally.
Tarot Card: The Wheel of Fortune- Good luck and fortune are heading your way.
Continue with any recent changes you've made to your health or fitness routine. Results are coming as long as you are dedicated to staying consistent. Those of you who are feeling emotionally off or moody would benefit from some spiritual healing. Check in with someone you trust and schedule some reiki or hands on healing. New sudden financial or sexual opportunities may arrive mid month and catch you off guard. Trust, whatever is being presented, is gifts from the universe. You may consider a savings plan to afford to plan travel shortly. Some old flames may show up due to the retrograde, and my advice is to not go back there. Use this month as an opportunity to wrap up any old emotional loose ends. Listen to others and really pay attention to what it is they're saying. Watch your spending and don't go overboard on any pricy items until at least December.
Tarot Card: 9 of Cups- Make a wish, it will be granted. Joyous times ahead.
If you're looking to find some extra work, this could be an excellent month to stay busy or rehash old projects. You may find yourself working your way through a list of chores or to do's with ease. Mercury is giving you a chance to clean something up in some way. It could be an office space, or perhaps your diet. Whatever it is, pay attention. Actually ironing out this topic is important and essential to your daily routine. I recommend being a bit skeptical of any job offers, make sure you're clear on the scheduling and terms of any positions you accept. Don't be too quick to change your schedule for something that doesn't make sense in the long run. Choose quality over quantity. Those of you seeking love will be in luck, the new moon will plant seeds for committed relationships. Those of you coupled will grow closer, and perhaps even be making future plans with your mate.
Tarot Card: The Sun- Happiness, ego, and positivity.
Consider this month a time to review themes that bring joy. There will be a slew of topics that require your attention and revisal, such as; romance, creativity, children, and dating. I guarantee you one or more of these topics will be touched on. Those of you in serious, committed relationships will enjoy softer sweeter love at the end of the month. However, those of you who aren't seeing eye to eye on long term goals mentioned above, expect a reckoning. If something isn't bringing you joy, it's time to discuss. There's a focus on wrapping up creative projects or putting the finishing touch on a new business. Expect friends to reconnect, and you'll spend time celebrating something near and dear to their heart. The end of the month has you learning something new when it comes to your health or routine. Pick up a new planner for 2020, or perhaps sign up for a new fitness class. If you need to apply for educational matters, start just after the New Moon on the 26th!
Tarot Card: The Page of Pentacles- New financial seeds being planted, or a child
Pay close attention to anything going on within your home zone this month. There may be either some housing/ family drama or emotional distress that needs your attention. If you've been putting off any home repairs or delicate conversations about financial responsibilities within the household, they're due to come up. Handle these conversations with care, and do not put them off, things will get worse. If it's time to go looking for a new space, don't fret you'll begin your search and be on the move within weeks! Your romantic life is sizzling, and you're likely to find yourself in the throws of love all month. A new person may steal your heart. Any blocks or speed bumps in your personal or professional goals are likely to reveal themselves. Don't panic, just observe. This Full Moon is a big deal for your career, and you're likely to come out on top and dazzle everyone with your ability to get the job done.
Tarot Card: 4 of Swords- Rest and recuperation, time to relax.
Choose your words wisely this month. All forms of communication, calls, texts, contracts should be carefully thought through and examined. This is a retrograde month, and your ruler is moving through your communication house. It's possible there can be misunderstandings if you're not precise. Save meaningful conversations for in person. Think twice about buying or selling a method of transportation, and triple check any travel. Pay off a chunk of debt if all possible mid months. This is all Mercury's realm. You may need to more throughly communicate something with a romantic partner or child. New seeds are being planted in your home zone, so new opportunities to move, or have family visits are possible. Some of you are going to be feeling much better emotionally if you get something off your chest. Be open to new opportunities involving foreign travel or higher education, it may improve your financial standings.
Tarot Card: 4 of Pentacles- Holding on tight, unwilling to spend to let go.
What is it you value? Is it physical, material things, or experiences? Now is the time to get right with what you cherish most, and be precise. This isn't a month to go ham on the spending. Instead, try to examine where your money is coming from and going from. There's an opportunity to catch any financial mishaps before they start if you pay attention. Don't go making any significant beauty or art purchases, you're likely not to be too crazy about what you bought ant feel the need to take it back in December. You may be learning something new or traveling this month, and it will do you some good. A little change of scenery could be just what the doctor ordered. If you can't, pick up a new book on a topic that interests you, or try learning a new language. The Full Moon is going to do a number on you, so whatever comes up, be calm. Remember, this is about a restart and a vast emotional purge. Whatever changes that come about are likely to bring you more stability in the long run.
Tarot Card:: Death- Transitions and changes, often for the better. Your personal card.
This is an excellent month for you. Apart from Mercury's rollback, a lot is working in your favor. Be thrilled to examine aspects of your self. Much is changing, from how you want to present yourself to the world, to how you dress. Be cautious about any dramatic make overs or clothing hauls. Your personal style, and how you portray yourself, is getting ready to transform. Consider this month as your caterpillar stage. Watch your communication with others, and be specific about what you do and do not want in your personal realm. Your words have power, and anything that you cut out of your life is likely to stick, and for the better. Your finances are robust and moving into the best period for the year, but remember it's money in and money out. Are you spending money on things or experiences? There are some intense shifts around partnerships on the Full Moon. Be patient and pay close attention to the signs around you. If its stability you want, and commitment, then you're about to get your answer.
Tarot Card: King of Coins- A earth sign man, or a financial opportunity.
Slow your roll this month. There's a series of events or details that have yet to be unveiled. Before you move forward and make some more serious commitments to partnerships or even finances, you should allow these events to unfold. Clarity is the name of the game. Any chance you get to take a step back, meditate, and check-in with your higher self, will benefit you immensely. Planets are in your hidden house of the subconscious, triggering gut intuitions, so pay attention. Sometimes messages will come to you in strange and mysterious ways, such as dreams or hints from the universe. Some astrologers suggest this is a house connected to hidden enemies, which is possible. I'm more concerned about fishy financial partnerships or loans of some kind. There may be some unexpected situations at work taking place or with coworkers. This is also a time to keep your habits in check and be present with any health-related issues. Your emotions are likely to affect physical health if they're not in check. This will fall into place next month, don't fret.
Tarot Card: 5 of Cups- Letting go of pain or sorrow, not crying over spilled milk.
Buck up buttercup! Last month was rough, but this month is about letting it go. You've had quite a bit of gloomiest hanging around. Things are moving and shaking socially. You're likely to reconnect with people you haven't seen in a bit of time, or perhaps meet someone new. If you're looking to join another group or association, do some looking around. You may have a friend connect you and get accepted. This month feels extra spiritual. Focus on setting new intentions in connecting to your higher self. You may decide to try your hand at learning tarot or astrology. This can be a very insightful time to check in with a spiritual advisor or get a reading. If you've wanted to learn more about meditation, this can be positive as well. The end of the month brings lots of joy and creativity. You are likely to be wrapping up a personal project or launching a new business. The full moon will be extra romantic, so be sure to keep an eye out for cupid, you never know when he may strike.
Tarot Card: 5 of Pentacles- Feeling left out in the cold, or financial challenges.
Many of you are going to notice a significant shift this month. I promise you this is just temporary. The universe is trying to get your attention at work or out in the world. Mercury is rolling backward, delaying contracts, causing some electrical glitches, or perhaps making you realize you're due for a change. The good news is, shortly mars will be there to help you play catch up. Those of you looking for new work, make sure you're really aware of the terms for the position. Some of you may be reworking your own personal businesses or returning to projects or people you've done work for. There may be some family news coming out somewhere around the Full Moon that may have quite an impact on you. Check-in with some friends and do your due diligence to work in some social time if you're feeling stressed out. It can be beneficial to consider joining a professional network or working with a recruiter if you need some extra assistance.
Tarot Card: 9 of Swords- Anxiety over a pending situation.
Significant opportunities are coming your way in the professional realm. It's a valuable time to set intentions on the New Moon regarding any goals you have for yourself out in the world. If it's more opportunities to travel, publish, or market yourself get on it! Something about this month makes me feel like you're reworking your travel plans, be that current or in the future. There's a lot of static with Mercury in your house of foreign travel. Don't let anxiety come into play, avoid mistakes before they happen. Triple check any travel purchases or reservations etc. This can be a favorable time to edit a book or get something ready to be printed. Some of you will be altering educational goals, as well. The end of the month shines a light on essential contracts or financial goals you have in mind. It can be challenging juggling all these separate topics at once this month. Keeping yourself grounded by writing everything out in a planner can help. This will help break all of your big dreams into bite-sized goals to help you stay on task.
Candace Marie of Beyond the Veil Tarot has her degree in Cultural Anthropology with a minor in Theology, and studied at the School of Evolutionary Astrology. She is also a graduate of Sacred Crossings Death Midwifery School, and a root worker and herbalist. Read her bio here, and catch more of her work on Beyond the Veil Tarot.
Read more on astrology, horoscopes, occultism, magick & ritual on our blog, Esoteric Insights!
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