Magick Mixology: Rituals for Abundance & Prosperity

May 19, 2023 0 Comments

Magick Mixology: Rituals for Abundance & Prosperity

Magick Mixology

Maximize Your Magick!
Kitchen Witch" is a term used for witchy folx whose spiritual practice is rooted within food, mealtimes, and the home. Kitchen Witches craft rituals, spells and/or potions utilizing edible items, found objects, and common household items. The kitchen is their altar; their home is their sacred space.

In 2014, we created our  Ritual Kits, Candles and Apothecary with the idea of mixing and matching common ingredients like lavender, rose, or patchouli etc., that would create a perfect combination for a unique spell or intention- setting ritual. 
Choose your combination of handcrafted ritual candles, mists, and kits with our offerings of crystals, herbs, incense, and more to perfectly set your intentions for focus and awareness of your magic.
How to make it work:
  1. Consider your intention or goals. What are you looking to accomplish? Be sure no shadow work is needed first, as inner conflicts can hinder surface- level intentions like love, clarity, energy, fortune, etc. 
  2. Find the ingredients that serve this purpose. For example, if you are looking for Abundance + Prosperity, try ingredients with earth- based ingredients and earthy fragrances like grass, wood, leaves ,etc. Crystals with colors that match the root, sacral, and solar plexus chakras will likely align with abundance and prosperity. Citrine, pyrite, smoky quartz, jaspers, and many agates will do the trick. (Pro tip: Crystal healing theory is loosely based off chakra theory, which is tied to color theory).
  3. After you discover what ingredients to use, find a Ritual Candle or Ritual Mist or Oil that serve these purposes. As usual, the more you put into this ritual, the more you get out of it. Try combing a Mist and a Candle, or an Oil and a Mist to heighten the effects of your rituals or spell. Shop Candles and Apothecary here.
  4. Top things off with extra ingredients like Loose Herbs, Herbal Wands, or Incense.
Ritualistic Inspirations:
For Abundance + Prosperity
  1. Cleanse your space and self with our Patchouli & Pine Ritual Mist. Let the fragrance and sensation calm the nerves and expand the mind. Focus on cleansing yourself and space. Practice breathwork to be mentally present.
  2. Light your Palo Santo & Cedar ritual candle with a match.
  3. Set your Citrine, Pyrite, or Rutilated Smoky Quartz near your candle. 
  4. Sit comfortably, close your eyes, and envision your present life filled with abundance of everything you need. Visualize from the present, far into the future, painting a detailed picture of what you see in your minds eye. 
  5. When ready, the following mantra for abundance and prosperity, the Lakshmi Gayatri Mantra, for Lakshmi, the Hindu goddess of wealth and prosperity, can be repeated if desired: 
"Om Shree Mahalakshmyai Cha Vidmahe Vishnu Patnayai Cha Dheemahi Tanno Lakshmi Prachodayat"

This mantra can be translated as:

"We meditate upon the Great Goddess Lakshmi, the consort of Lord Vishnu, May that divine Lakshmi inspire and illuminate our minds."

Chanting this mantra with devotion and focus can create the positive energy needed to attract abundance and prosperity. Try repeating this mantra daily, preferably in the morning or evening, and ideally with some ingredients above for best results.

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