June 26, 2018 0 Comments
FULL MOON 6 DEGREES CAPRICORN: Wednesday, June 27 & Thursday, June 28
Keywords/Themes: Grounding, responsibility, status, stern, heavy, self-deprecation, humility, depression, emotional wisdom, need for authority, emotional coldness, attachment, commitment and freedom
This summery full moon is often called the Rose Moon or Strawberry Moon because of the abundance of blooms and ripeness, though this full moon may not feel particularly up lifting. Capricorn can often be considered a Debbie Downer or put us in work mode, and can make us feel cold or unavailable. As an Earth sign, Capricorn is naturally heavier and asks us to be realistic, which may not feel so light.
The elevated expression of this may be a desire to step more into our authority or becoming more self-sufficient, as the last thing a Capricorn Moon, or Moon-Saturn person wants is to feel needy. Or it may also have us isolate or become overly involved in work, Capricorn has a deep appreciation for hermitting and time alone. However, my favorite part of Capricorn and Saturn shows up in its ability to make things real or come to fruition. Full moons represent the peak of a lunar cycle, and this one in particular calls on us to examine what we are committed to making manifest in the material realm.
Squaring Chiron, this full moon could touch on some painful or insecure places. Watch out for attachment wounds being activated or a sense of feeling victimized. These are the red flags of Chiron to pay attention to when emotions run high, which is particularly a theme for the full moon.
Those with Saturn in relationship to their moon in their natal chart may find themselves falling back on familiar patterns of suppressing emotions or feeling numb. This full moon tells us to get serious and wonder where we are an authority, to evaluate where we are committed. With the trine to Uranus we can come into contact with our dance between commitment and freedom, or it may also add some levity to the very grounding full moon.
This full moon was referred to as the rose or Strawberry moon in European traditions because of blooming of flowers and the season for strawberries. Here are some special everyday rituals for honoring this full moon, whether it be light or heavy for you:
Everyday ritual recommendations:
Be // Walking meditation (Saturn connects us to Earth and foot Chakra), preferably barefoot
Do // Get finances in order or re-evaluate commitments. Burn floral incenses or candles.
Wear // Gold and florals or rose-colored clothing
Eat // Strawberries and honey, bees are buzzing this time of year
December 17, 2024 0 Comments
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Happy Full Moon in Capricorn! 🌝♑️It’s a special one as it is our second full moon in Capricorn in a row! So I did a quick tarot pull asking thee questions. In the earthen spirit of Capricorn of course I got pentacles, clarity, and straightforwardness with this reading lol. Took me less than 5 minutes to understand. Read for for the spread!