December 2019 Horoscopes

November 28, 2019 0 Comments

December 2019 Horoscopes

December 2019 Horoscopes

Monthly horoscopes by Candace Looft, of Beyond the Veil Tarot  / Collage by Janeva Zentz 


Welcome to your December 2019 overview!

This month sure is action-packed. Expect this to be a Holiday season for the books my friends. The month begins with Jupiter making his annual move into to a new sign. Jupiter is the planet of abundance and optimism. Generally, Jupiter magnifies whatever it touches, and in Capricorn, it will be interesting. Generally speaking, Jupiter in Capricorn is considered to be in it’s "fall," or not necessarily at it's best. However, we're gearing up from December 2019- February 2020 to have a whole slew of planets in Capricorn. This will be; Saturn, Pluto, Jupiter, and the Sun. This is a potent, and often time serious tone, that means BUSINESS. Many of you will be setting your intentions early this year, and making some serious plans for your future. Do yourself a favor and take a look at your natal chart, and identify which house is Capricorn. This will be a significant area of focus for the next year forward. 

The Sun enters Sagittarius on the 2nd, ushering us into a period of optimism and joy. It will make a brief square to Neptune in Pisces on the 8th, which may create some confusing or hazy situations. This isn't the best day to make any significant decisions, many of us will feel as if our heads are in the clouds. Within a few days, we will then see the bigger picture.  Venus Moves to conjunct Saturn in Capricorn on the 11th, suggesting some serious commitments, and possible limitations in the love department. This can be a time to slow down and question what it is you really want, especially in Capricorn. You may find yourself going, " Is this going to stand the test of time"? On the bright side, it will be an excellent day for evaluation or budgeting. The Full Moon comes in on the 12th, in the chatty sign of Gemini. Expect ideas to be exchanged, travel plans made, and so on. This will be a moon that presents options, and you're going to love them. Chiron will be going direct at the time of this Full Moon, helping facilitate self-healing. 

Mid-month Mars sends some healing vibes with connections to the North node in Cancer. There may be a sudden push to get moving in a particular direction. Venus then moves into conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn. This can go one of two ways; transformational or incredibly painful. Generally, when these signs touch, deep intense feelings come about. Jupiter, now in Capricorn, will be sending unexpected blessings our way with his trines to Uranus. There may be sudden windfalls, changes in luck, and rewards for a job well done. Mercury in Sagittarius will form a square to Neptune on the 19th of December, which is yet another hazy day. We may not have all the details and need to take a day or so to regroup. Hold off on signing any contracts this day. Also, there may be issues in communications or with travel plans. On the 20th, Venus moves into quirky Aquarius, bringing freedom in love, but also some fantastic social opportunities. The very next day, the Sun moves into the sign of Capricorn. From the 21st on, the energy will build in intensity until the end of January 2020. 

Around the 24th of the month, the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Capricorn will begin to build. With aspects to both Jupiter as well as Uranus, expect the unexpected. These are Earth trines, and they generally bring abundance and physical manifestations. This particular eclipse near the holidays is likely to both remove the old and outdated while still honoring tradition. Eclipses are magical times of intention, and windows into the future. The feelings of intensity and transformation will be high all month. December 27th is considered to be one of the luckiest days of the year as the Sun conjuncts Jupiter in Capricorn. For those who have been working hard, expect some extra sprinkles of abidance from the universe. Mercury then enters Capricorn on the 28th, and conversations take a more serious turn. Something innovative, or new sweetens the pot on the 30th. Those of you wanting to make plans for travel this holiday season, be mindful; this is likely to be a much colder, harsher Winter than usual. Be aware of weather conditions in parts of the states and bundle up. Delays need to be expected. Travel safe. I'm wishing all of you a happy and healthy holiday season and a Happy New Year!




Dates to Note:

December 2- Jupiter enters Capricorn

December 8- Sun in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces

December 9- Mercury enters Sagittarius

December 11- Venus in Capricorn conjunct Saturn in Capricorn

December 12- Full Moon in Gemini

December 12- Chiron direct in Aries

December 13- Mars in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces

December 13- Venus in Capricorn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn

December 15- Jupiter in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus

December 19- Mercury in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces

December 20- Venus enters Aquarius

December 21- Sun enters Capricorn

December 24- Sun in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus

December 26- New Moon Solar Eclipse in Capricorn

December 27- Sun in Capricorn conjunct Jupiter in Capricorn 

December 28- Mercury enters Capricorn

December 30- Mercury in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus


To make the most of my astrological forecast, read your ascendant sign, as well as your Sun and Moon sign. Don't know your natal placements? Check out a free birth chart calculator online, or schedule a reading with me! 



Tarot Card: The Queen of Coins- A generous, practical older woman. An Earth sign. 

One of the most important topics this month is going to be your career. Something you’ve been working hard on is now finally coming to fruition. Expect some kind of payoff happening later in the month. For some, it's a new job title, for others it's a complete redirection. Some are getting ready to launch a business. Whatever it is, it's just now getting started by the end of the month. Some of the biggest changes in your professional lives are going to play out over the next year, and this is the month that you lay the foundation. So much of the cosmos are supporting your success. This month you learn that communication is pivotal in your rise to the top. For you to stand out, there may be a lot of meetings, back and forth, and lines of communication taking place. There will be opportunities to level up in some way and learn something new, be that a language or perhaps a new software. Regardless it will assist you in your rise to success. 



Tarot Card: Death- A transformation, change, or ending. Often times making way for something new. 

Expect some kind of shakeup in regards to your beliefs. Travel or educational plans may finalize. Keep your eyes peeled, and be well aware of these situations taking place closer to December 25th on the Solar eclipse. It's possible you may have issues with a flight or travel delay. Students may have to make some changes in their areas of study. Outside of that, this month appears to be smooth sailing. This is a month that benefits those who are looking to potentially publish or tell a story. If you're looking to begin educating others, or teaching philosophy, this can be extra beneficial. Spiritually you may open up more and become aware of your beliefs. It appears financial matters are coming to a head, and you have to discuss a budgeting situation. Be open-minded and find a happy medium. Solutions are out there. If you play your cards right, you may be receiving a beautiful gift at some point later in the month. 



Tarot Card:: Wheel of Fortune- Positive new energy or opportunities coming your way. 

Now that you've had a blissful year in relationship land, Jupiter has bigger plans in store for you. It's time to get down to the nitty-gritty of what relationships are all about. This month your attention shifts to forms of joint ventures and intimacy. There's a great deal of focus on a partner's income or security. You may be having to rely more on a spouse's income, or perhaps inherit a sum of money. Regardless, budgeting is essential and will be encouraged all year long. The truth is, something may very well have to come to an end this month, it doesn't have to be a "death" per se, but it may very well be putting an end to a habit to a pattern. Releasing fears is vital, so be present as they come up. The Full Moon has all eyes on you as the attention is brought to your physical body or appearance. You may have the opportunity to speak out and persuade others in some way. Expect to be magnetic!



Tarot Card: 9 of Cups- Wishes being granted, emotional fulfillment, or joy. 

Expect the beginning of the month to be a time of rest and solitude. The Full moon is going to be shining a light on a situation that needs to come to an end. December is a time where meditation and spiritual ritual will greatly benefit you. Your subconscious or higher self may be trying to deliver you a crucial message. Psychic or mediumship type readings can be extra insightful now. You may receive a mind-blowing prediction. The second half of the month has a spotlight on your relationships, it appears there is a major shift coming. Those who are in happy, committed partnerships will be able to form stronger bonds, but those who have been on thin ice for some time, may crack. If you are looking to release tension or grudges with another, this is the month to do it. Therapy or counseling can be extra beneficial, especially when a mediator is involved. Singles should pay extra attention, as this is a new phase in your dating life. It's now you seek long and stable, serious connections. 



Tarot Card: The Magician- Manifestation with what's at hand. Shifting or changing situations. 

Now is the time to do some re-evaluating of your hopes and dreams. This month you'll be coming together with lots of special friends and family to celebrate. Friends will be having significant accomplishments in their lives and get you thinking about your next big life moves. Take time to appreciate those who are nearest and dearest to your heart. Your New Years' intentions may pack quite the punch, so watch out. If you're looking to get back on track with nutritional or fitness goals, the eclipse at the end of the month may help you do just that. Those of you looking to kick a bad habit may also finally do so! Expect some shifts in the office or professional realm. You may be changing jobs or offices. My advice is to pick up a 2020 planner early and get right with your schedule. Commit to consistency in the New Year, and you will flow better with the universe. 



Tarot Card: Ace of Coins- New financial opportunities, good health, or a gift.  

You're taking enter stage at work this month! It's possible you're wrapping up or presenting some year-long projects! The Full Moon will be bringing many blessings in terms of annual reviews or bonuses. It's likely a boss or higher up gives you a pat on the back. Those of you who have been working hard on launching their own business, or creative endeavors, you're putting the finishing touches on these in December. You may be feeling extra inspired this month by children. Some of you may be considering expanding your family. Others will be taking the dating game more so seriously than usual. If this is the case, it's essential to hold out for the commitment you're looking for. The better you listen to what the heart whats, the more likely the universe is to provide. Transformations in love are possible, especially if you have two people willing to do the work. Believe in happily ever after. 



Tarot Card: 10 of Swords- A clean break from the past, releasing pain or suffering. 

Home and family play a huge role this month. You may be spending quite a bit of time rearranging, or potentially making plans to relocate. The holidays look as if the entire family will be coming together. Certainly, it will be a year to remember. This is a season where new and old traditions come together. Time spent with older relatives should be joyous. For others, this will manifest in a complete emotional shift. It's time to let go of whatever hasn't worked or emotionally taken its tole. This past year you've faced many many challenges, but now you may see the glimmer of hope when it comes to happiness. Opportunities to travel or plan a trip present themselves. If you've been trying to complete an educational plan, you will likely make a final decision. Those who are trying to get something published, December makes it possible for all of your intentions to come true. Your perspectives are changing, helping you realize you have unlimited options before you. 



Tarot Card: 5 of Wands- The need to change, adapt, or grow. 

Pay extra close attention to your finances this month. There may be a bit of a back and forth with others and require you to do some financial problem solving. Some of you will be focusing on joint income with a partner, while others will start planning new ways to save. Getting ahead of paying credit or loans this month is suggested. Be cautious about racking up further debt during your holiday shopping. There will be some important documents to sign related to an insurance issue, or estate. Regardless, this is all considered to be something positive. Some of these conversations may involve a sibling or close relative. If you're looking to make a change in a vehicle, or even a tune-up, be sure you do so after the 25th. Check any vehicles prior to any road trips. It will be hard to escape something related to transportation or maintenance. If you question if you really need to fix something, get a second opinion. 



Tarot Card: The reconciliation, or reminiscing on fond childhood memories.

Your relationships are positively beaming this month. There will be a great deal of love and affection in the air. The Full Moon is lighting up your marriage sector. Some of you may be taking the next steps in a partnership and getting more serious. If you're expecting talks about the future or engagements, keep a lookout. Your heart will feel like its bursting at the seams. Those of you who have experienced challenges in relationships recently may find there's a possible reconciliation. Lean into what feels right. Financially you're needing to strictly stick to a budget this month, especially if you've been feeling tighter financially than usual. This is temporary, and it will pass. Soon Jupiter will be moving into your financial house, blessing you with an extra abundant 2020. But if you're building a business, it's going to cost money to make money. Focus on grounding your energy, and telling yourself daily, " abundance flows effortlessly to me. The universe supports me financially and emotionally". 



Tarot Card: Knight of Swords- A messenger of the news, oftentimes sudden situation or a difference of opinion. 

Keep an eye on your health this month. There may be unexpected medical or health situations that develop. If this takes place, just remain calm. Check-in with your medical practitioners to ensure all is well. You will likely need to develop a better schedule when it comes to your health and exercise. Resolutions anyone? Break out the gym membership and actually commit to it this year. I promise you by creating a sound routine, you will find you're releasing stress and feeling more energetic. Towards the end of the month, you may be feeling some intense feels. The Solar Eclipse will be in your home sign, making your body extra sensitive. Pay close attention to your surroundings. If you need to, get a massage and rest. The end of the year is perfect for physical transformations and updates to your look. Pamper yourself, and update a wardrobe. You are worth it!



Tarot Card: Page of Wands- A message/ new opportunity creatively. Sometimes a younger Fire sign.  

Creativity, children, romance! There's so much coming together for you early this month. What does your heart desire? It’s time to really reflect on what it is your heart wants. This can be a fabulous time to focus on film or performance art. Being on stage and love performances are encouraged. If you've been working on your own personal creative endeavors, now through the Spring of 2020, you will be ready to show the world. If you've been trying to make a decision about a dating situation, you may find yourself sorting out if a partner is right for you. Trust what comes to you intuitively. The second half of the month is deep and pensive. Expect to need more time alone with your thoughts. You may be meditating or resting more than usual. This period is standard, and always takes place just before your birthday annually. Pay close attention to your dreams as they’re likely a mysterious message from your subconscious. Make way for what is removed, it's making space for something new. 



Tarot Card: King of Pentacles: A mature or wealthy man. Sometimes a boss or older male relative. An Earth sign. 

Some of you may very well be traveling to visit home this month. You may find that connecting to your roots brings about some emotional fulfillment. If it's not you traveling, it may very well people others coming to spend time with you. Regardless it will get you thinking about how you feel in your abode. Remember, home is where the heart is. If it's time to make a change, move, or potentially even look in new locations, now is the time. There is a Solar Eclipse lighting up your sector of hopes and dreams. I predict an enjoyable and exciting New Years' Eve. You may find yourself at some of the best celebrations. Don't miss this chance to go out and party with your friends! My only recommendation; avoid any dramatic social encounters. If something arises within a group of friends, stay out of it. In the coming weeks, there will be some shifts with whom you like to spend your time with. But don't worry, good friends are on the way. 



Candace Marie of Beyond the Veil Tarot has her degree in Cultural Anthropology with a minor in Theology, and studied at the School of Evolutionary Astrology. She is also a graduate of Sacred Crossings Death Midwifery School, and a root worker and herbalist. Read her bio here, and catch more of her work on Beyond the Veil Tarot.


Read more on astrology, horoscopes, occultism, magick & ritual on our blog, Esoteric Insights!

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