New Moon in Leo + Partial Solar Eclipse, Saturday, August 11, 2018: Spiritual Self-Awareness

August 10, 2018 0 Comments

New Moon in Leo + Partial Solar Eclipse, Saturday, August 11, 2018: Spiritual Self-Awareness

August 11 New moon in leo
Astrology by Rebecca Farrar of Wild Witch of the West  / Collage by Janeva Zentz




Saturday, August 11: 2:57 a.m. PT/ 5:57 a.m. ET/9:57 a.m. UTC

  • Yod with retrograde Neptune and retrograde Pluto
  • Conjunct Pallas Athene
  • Conjunct retrograde Mercury
  • Square Juno
  • Square Jupiter

Keywords/Themes/EQ: Self-expression, spiritual evolution, uniqueness, creativity, romance, curious creativity, playful learning, self-mastery, self-consciousness, self-esteem, wisdom of self, intellectual integration


Collective Energies:

The partial solar eclipse is the third in an odd series of three and opens a unique portal into self-awareness, self-wisdom, and perhaps even our own Godliness. With Leo’s warmth we explore and integrate our self-expression and creativity, though the shadow side can be overly self-centered or egotistical.

As if being a partial eclipse in Leo weren’t special enough, this new moon forms a rare configuration called a Yod with Pluto and Neptune. “Yod” comes from the Hebrew word for “hand of God” and astrologically “points” to a planetary triangulation of spiritual awareness and evolution. It occurs when two planets quincunx a central point (Sun/Moon) while being sextile to each other (Pluto and Neptune). These two retrograding planets open up a possible blind spot in our thinking and consciousness that we may have missed before.

The conjunction to Mercury and Athena means mental capacity is in full swing and offers a reconciling between the analytical and wisdom-seeking aspects of our thinking. Square to Juno and Jupiter, the asteroid Juno motivates us to be in partnership while Jupiter lets us expand- i.e. go big or go home. The tight square to Juno implies a tension between ourselves and partnerships (business and romantic) as we learn more about ourselves.

This week’s new moon also occurs while Uranus squares Black Moon Lilith and also trines Venus and Mercury square Jupiter, adding a dimension of possible chattiness or awakening a more instinctual side to our relating. In addition, Venus trines the South Node and sextiles the North Node, which is always helpful for revisiting past relationship patterns and focusing on what we desire for the future.

This new moon invites in curiosity, playfulness, and keeping an eye on self-involvement or gossiping (shadow side of Athene and Mercury with Jupiter). Connect with Leo in your chart out of curiosity for the ways and places you take up space, as well as where you hide. New moons, and in particular eclipses, give us a do over. This one implies where we need to come back to ourselves with self-awareness and how to transform our consciousness to allow us to shine more fully.


Everyday Rituals: 

// EAT // Honey to connect to our inner Queen Bee, or yellow foods such as squash, lemons, or corn

// WEAR // Gold and more gold, or yellow and orange.

// DO // Take some time to explore your creative expression and focus doing that light you up. Try J. Southern's Happiness & Inspiration Mini Ritual Kit for some ideas!

// BE // Leo associates with the lion-heart, so meditations or practices such as camel pose asana to open more of this chakra would certainly be aligned.


Read more on astrology, horoscopes, occultism, magick & ritual on our blog, Esoteric Insights!

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