For this Spellwork Sunday, we want to focus on rituals involving Diana’s huntress aspect. It is very important to note that the various lunar cycles play a critical role in working with Diana, thus understanding the phases of the moon and how they play with Diana can greatly alter the outcome of any ritual, spell and overall connection. Diana was not just a lunar goddess, but was worshiped as the moon itself! When we talk about honoring or invoking the hunter aspect of Diana, we can use this trait when trying to aim at a target in our lives and strike it with accuracy, i.e. a new job, prospective lover, personal goal, etc. Below are some ritual suggestions you might find useful when working with this deity:
Time / Planetary Hours:
This spell is best suited for the period of waxing to full moon to invoke her skills of the hunt.
Create the intention of what you are wanting to manifest, under the waxing cycle.
Write on a piece of cloth your intentions and address it to Diana, asking for her assistance in your mission.
Idols of her sacred animals (bears, deer, dogs, bats)
Diana altar suggestion found on Pinterest
Simple Steps and Procedures:
Light white candles for & sing for her! Diana loves a good song! It can be an invocation of hers or you can create your own!
Tie the letter you wrote for Diana on a tree in a forest. If you don’t have access to a forest, trees outside your home, or in a park are perfectly suitable.
Be sure, to give her plenty thanks to show your appreciation and leave her fresh offerings throughout this cycle and spell.
You can reference our Goddess Of the Month blog to obtain more info, and ideas on how to help personalize your ritual to pertain to your specific connection with this deity. Most importantly, have fun with it! Whomever you are working with will most certainly appreciate your own flair!
Enjoy and many blessings!
Photo of Leochares's statue of Diana of Versailles (c. 325 BC) by Patrick Chea
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