March 2020 Horoscopes

February 27, 2020 0 Comments

March 2020 Horoscopes

March 2020 Horoscopes

Monthly horoscopes by Candace Looft, of Beyond the Veil Tarot  / Collage by Janeva Zentz 


Welcome to your March 2020 astrological overview!

We’ve got quite a bit of ground to cover this month astrologically. Some of the biggest news of the month is after several long years, Saturn will be briefly changing signs. Since the winter of 2017, Saturn has been in its home sign of Capricorn. It’s safe to say the last several years have been some heavy and obstacle-ridden times. However, Saturn is the planet that rules Capricorn, and when Saturn leaves a sign, he leaves a gift. 

Saturn traditionally rules Aquarius, and in modern-day, astrology is ruled by Uranus. It’s safe to say that Saturn’s shift into the sign, while brief, may be a breath of fresh air. All air sign placements (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) will highly benefit from this transit. With Saturn in your fellow sister sign, it feeds good and highly intellectual energy into your personal air planets. Innovation and change come to mind when I think of Aquarius. After all, this is the sign that rules electronics, modernization, and revolution. Aquarius also rules congress, so the next few months ahead may prove to be radical times for America’s governing bodies. Friendships will be evaluated, and organized groups will either split or become united. Saturn will only be in the sign of Aquarius briefly from March 22 until about July 2, 2020. Within these short months, we will be given a small glimpse of what the future (2021 and on) holds. Themes of empowerment and unification will be making world headlines. Then... Saturn goes back into Capricorn, where he will spend the rest of the year going deep underground with Pluto and Jupiter. Saturn will resurface in Aquarius again, but this time with Jupiter in December of 2020. It’s then that we will begin to experience the dawn of a new (communal) era.

On March 5, Venus enters its home sign of Taurus. While this is usually a  lovely and indulgent transit, around the 8th it comes in contact with electric Uranus. Innovations and shake-ups in love or finances are to be expected. Taureans and Libras should be paying extra close attention as Venus is your ruling planet. These transits are likely to affect you the most. That same day the Sun in Pisces conjuncts mystic Neptune. Cloudiness and miscommunications are on the radar this day. Hold off on any serious conversations, and don’t let your suspicions get the best of you. On the 9th, we have a full moon in Virgo. This is an excellent time to resolve health matters, spend time with pets, and to be of service. Just about everyone will benefit from this moon, as it provides vital clues into what needs to be “cleaned up” in our lives. On the ninth we can rejoice, as the Mercury retrograde officially ends in the sign of Aquarius. While this is the formal end to the retrograde, you may still experience some glitches with travel or communication. This is due to the shadow period. You may expect to be out of the shadow by about March 29th.

On the 20th of the month, Mars in Capricorn conjuncts with Jupiter in Capricorn. Within days on the 23rd, Mars joins the conjunction with Pluto also in Capricorn. This 3 to 4-day period is exceptionally explosive. Anyone with cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) from 22 to 29° should take precautions. What is forming are some very intense squares, and when these squares appear, we see significant and often confrontational issues in the world. Political and world rivals are likely to go toe to toe. I expect to see world headlines ablaze with drama. Mediation and communication will be critical when it comes to diffusing confrontations. On the 24th of the month, we will have a new moon in Aries, assisting us in setting new personal goals.  As the sun and the moon align in the very first sign of the zodiac, Aries, it’s the beginning of the astrological new year. This is the welcoming of Spring and a burst of fresh new energy. On the 30th of the month, Mars enters into Aquarius, and on the 31st it will be conjunct with Saturn. It’s safe to say the second half of March is the thunder dome, my friends. Look for signs from the universe to take action or stand united the last few days of the month.


Dates to Note:

  • March 5-  Venus enters Taurus
  • March 8-  Venus in Taurus conjunct Uranus
  • March 8-  Sun in Pisces conjunct Neptune
  • March 9-  Full Moon in Virgo
  • March 10- Mercury direct in Aquarius
  • March 20- Mars in Capricorn conjunct Jupiter
  • March 20- Sun enters Aries
  • March 22- Saturn enters Aquarius
  • March 23- Mars in Capricorn conjunct Pluto
  • March 24- New Moon in Aries
  • March 30- Mars enters Aquarius
  • March 31- Mars in Aquarius conjunct Saturn in Aquarius

To make the most of my astrological forecast, read your ascendant sign, as well as your Sun and Moon sign. Don't know your natal placements? Check out a free birth chart calculator online, or schedule a reading with me! 


Tarot Card: Two of Wands- dreaming of big opportunities 

This is quite the month for you. The full moon is shining a light on changes in the workspace. This may be a coworker exiting or a relocation/upgrade altogether. Regardless of what happens, trust that it’s a part of the divine plan. You’ve spent several long years focusing on your career, and now things are going to begin to come into fruition. You may be either developing a group of your own or recruiting others to assist you in a project. The second half of the month is best for this energy. Friends from the past may come calling, and I advise you to be careful with whom you let into your inner circle. Not all of those from the past are meant to go with you. Over the next two years, your social group will grow and diversify. The new moon is all about you, putting in motion some new personal boundaries. Chiron connected to this moon assists you in the form of self-healing. If you have any goals in mind when it comes to physical appearance for your body, this is the best time to set those goals.


Tarot Card: Six of Wands- pride, victory, triumph.

What a marvelous month for you! The full moon is assisting you and getting all of your creative endeavors in order. You may be planning for a new exciting creative project or conceiving a child. If you’re someone who is wanting to shift from a hobby to a professional business, the universe is assisting you on this path. Those of you guys who are planning on either opening a business or excepting a new position professionally, exercise caution. Mercury is going a bit haywire in your career house, and will not come down until the end of the month. It’s not advised to start something new until closer to the beginning of April. The new moon may have you feeling like you need to retreat. Look into forms of spiritual healing, take a break so you can hit reset. You’ll need all your wits about you next month.


Tarot Card:  King if Swords- in control of your thoughts and actions, direct with words.

What do you have your sights set on? Some of you will be re-examining your goals this month. It may have you feeling all sorts of ways. The retrograde has you wanting to return to a form of education or exploring some spiritual pursuits. Be extra cautious when planning or purchasing anything related to travel this month. There could be some significant mixups. The same thing goes for those of you guys who are traveling. If you find yourself dreaming about revisiting a foreign place, do your best to make purchases at the end of the month. The full moon this month has some significant themes of wrapping up home-related issues. This may be a deep cleaning or organization. The new moon will be bringing in lots of opportunities for socializing and new friends. Youll be meeting people of all different cultures and backgrounds. They’ll have lots of interesting life stories that you’ll love listening to. In the months ahead, some may become mentors and the dearest of friends. 


Tarot Card:  Six of Cups- reminiscing on old times, being vulnerable.

Time to get down to business! You and either a business partner/lover/life partner need to get on the same page about security. This is a month where we are going to explore those in-depth, sensitive intimate topics. I want you to lay it all out on the table, but Ideally closer to the end of the month. There are some serious themes in your astrology that have to do with joint finance, savings, or loans. It appears the two of you need to come up with a better plan financially for being able to provide for the future. This is essential for you to be able to feel secure and safe in this partnership. If you don’t do this now, you’re going to regret it down the road. Intimacy and sex are also a hot topic, and if you’re not satisfied in this arena, you need to discuss this as well. The full moon is highlighting getting together documents, having meetings, or meaningful conversations. Pay special attention to any issues with vehicles. The new moon provides the perfect opportunity for you to set some career goals in motion. Aim high and expect success later in the month. You can do it!


Tarot Card:  Nine of Coins- independence and self reliance.

Now is your time! I can’t help but chuckle every single time a Leo asks me about love. But the truth is the next few months are a huge deal in your love life! The full moon has you feeling very grounded and organized in regards to your finances as well as your self-esteem. You’ll be pleased to see an excellent financial situation then. However, this high self-esteem is essential in the realm of relationships. This is a time to be in tune with your self-worth truly.  You see, Saturn is now making its way into your opposite sign Aquarius. This means that you’re going to start getting more serious about relationships and commitment. This also means that you can’t be overly clingy, and will need to be practicing moderation when it comes to relationships for the next year ahead. Focus on you, and the rest will follow. More serious and long-term partners will appear. Be cautious of any exes that resurface from the past, as I’m not too convinced that they’re meant to be around forever. Relationships that are trying to build stronger bonds or start over will be rewarded. The new moon may have you seeking higher forms of education, or perhaps getting ready to plan a solo trip alone! Try to find something that blends culture with spirituality; you’ll be glad you did.


Tarot Card:  Strength- pride and creativity, taming situations without force.

Health and fitness, some of your favorite topics! This is an excellent month to start setting some long-term scheduling or health/fitness goals. The retrograde has you examining what is and is not in balance. That could be your work-life schedule, your relationships, or even your diet. Pay attention to the subtle messages from the universe that help you get all of these things into better alignment. Saturn may bring some shake-ups to your workspace, introducing new people or electronics into the office. The full moon brings a considerable amount of attention to your physical body. If you don’t like what you see, change it! Consider checking in with some of your health providers and getting back on track. Adopting a new diet, or perhaps even considering a detox can be splendid. The new moon is all about intimacy and connecting deeper with a partnership. Handling the organization of loans or debts is likely. Sexual healing and connecting deeply with a partner is a hot topic with this moon, explore your deepest desires and grow closer with a beloved.


Tarot Card:  The Sun- happiness and themes that involve true love or children. Creativity.

What are your long-term relationship goals? It seems in recent months you’ve done a lot of growing. Both emotionally, as well as out of your home space. Everything around you is leveling up, what’s missing? If you’ve been yearning for a more serious commitment from a partnership, now is the time to speak up. Many of you are dreaming about being able to have children or develop a bond with someone and start planning a future. The full moon is going to help you spiritually recharge and detox. I encourage you to let go and release any fears at this time, so you’re ready for the second half of the month. Mercury has you going back to the topics of children, or reassessing creative projects. Some of you guys are making some big decisions about whether or not the person you’re dating is “the one”. Practice being decisive and do not waiver on your standards. If you choose to cut ties with someone, it will likely happen soon, making way for a new love that will appear between April and June of this year. Saturn has you seeking more commitment in the love realms; a little tough love will do you some good.


Tarot Card: Four of Wands- feeling prepared to take risks, enjoying changes.

You might be feeling like you’re swimming in the emotional soup this month. Mercury is going backward through your home zone, making you sentimental or even homesick. The full moon has you coming together and celebrating with a group of friends. Likely, they may also have work connections if you’ve been looking to get out of a rut professionally. Saturn is now moving into your fourth house, which may require you to return home, or start looking to put down long term roots. If things don’t feel right on the home-front, don’t fret. New opportunities for moving will provide themselves should you need it in the months ahead. Often times communal living comes up with Saturn here, so if a friend is looking for a roommate, this could be your chance. The new moon at the end of the month is focused on health matters. Take charge and come up with an action plan that gets you mobile and feeling good. Dietary changes may be necessary and may affect more than just the physical body. Dietary changes this month might positively affect your mood as well!


Tarot Card:  Ace of Cups- Labors of love, new emotions.

Big things are happening in your career world. This is an exciting time! The full moon shines a light on a significant career accomplishment or project. It likely involves the helping hands of others and serving a more substantial cause. Good on you! Mercury, however, is creating a bit of chaos. It seems as if people may not always be returning calls or emails. It can be challenging moving through the murky waters of Mercury in Pisces. Hold off on any essential meetings until the beginning of next month when all of this shakes out. You should also hold off on buying or trading a car, as well as any new type of electronics. Trust me on this. Many of you will consider getting new vehicles; however, it’s best to do this sometime between April and July of 2020 or the very beginning of 2021 if you can. I see some of you may be considering methods of education, and if that’s something that interests you, be that taking a class or teaching one, I highly encourage you to follow it. The new moon at the end of the month is excellent for working with children, family planning, or new personal creative projects. I would love to see you integrate something artistic into your daily routine.


Tarot Card:  Judgment- making final decisions.

This is an action-packed month for you, and I would imagine probably one of the most important of all of 2020. This is the month to really get down to business when it comes to your finances. Avoiding any issues and putting your head in the sand isn’t going to make it any better. If you feel like you keep coming up short on cash, don’t fret. Mercury is helping you come up with a structured plan to be better with your spending and actually know where your money is going. Doing this with an accountant, or out on paper can help you see the bigger picture. Be cautious with any big purchases or transactions, as Mercury is in retrograde. Make sure you read the fine print. Saturn is making its way into your second house, and he’s going to give you a brief sneak peek on how to be more financially stable. The full moon is likely to have you traveling, and it may be for work or pleasure. Some are completing higher levels of education. Big trips can happen or be planned now, just make sure it’s in the budget. The new moon at the end of the month is perfect for setting new emotional or home goals. If you’re planning a move or re-organizing/ remodeling a home, it appears the planning starts now. Being that it’s in Aries, you’ll have all the energy you need to get this started. 


Tarot Card:  Six of Coins- give and take, fairness. Equality.

This is it; this is your year! Saturns moving into your home sign is quite a big deal. Some of the most significant life accomplishments can take place when Saturn transits your sign. I highly recommend doing some research, or getting a reading with an astrologer to better understand how you can prepare for this energy for the next 18 months. With Mercury going retrograde in your own sign, it appears you’re spending the better part of this month reviewing what it is you want. You may have mixed feelings on how to better assert yourself. It’s not about what your family wants, your partner wants or your boss wants. It’s about you becoming extremely clear about what direction your life is going in. I recommend waiting to put any of these plans into motion next month. That includes telling people what you’re doing too. Pay close attention to your dreams and intuitive hunches as they’re guiding the way. The full moon in your eighth house has your ready to detox and cut cords with anything that is not healthy for you. The new moon at the end of the month is terrific for communications, short distance traveling, or looking at a new method of transportation. However, hold on a purchase until at least next month.


Tarot Card: Seven of Wands- standing firm in your beliefs.

This is a month to wind down and turn inward. With Mercury’s move into your hidden 12th house, you may find yourself doing your best to not spiral. Things always get very quiet whenever planets are moving through the 12th house. Part of this is the need to focus on meditation and reflection before putting things into motion. With Saturn also moving into your 12th house, it’s clear that some friendships, as well as connections, are ending. At times this month, you’ll find yourself grappling with fear, and when you find yourself doing this, it’s important to stay calm and pull yourself out of it. Getting adequate rest, and at times considering speaking with a therapist or spiritual advisor can be extremely helpful. Mental, emotional health is very sensitive here. What you’re embarking on is several years of getting ready to release any hidden energies that hold you back. I see people become very spiritual or religious during these transits. Indeed, it’s a test of faith for the better. The full moon is in your seventh house sector, which indicates there’s a possibility of big things taking place with a relationship. This may be things you never saw coming. Move through these changes with grace and understanding. Sometimes to get what you want, you have to clean house.



Candace Marie of Beyond the Veil Tarot has her degree in Cultural Anthropology with a minor in Theology, and studied at the School of Evolutionary Astrology. She is also a graduate of Sacred Crossings Death Midwifery School, and a root worker and herbalist. Read her bio here, and catch more of her work on Beyond the Veil Tarot.


Read more on astrology, horoscopes, occultism, magick & ritual on our blog, Esoteric Insights!

with. Friendships may be at a crossroads. If you feel the need to expand socially, look into joining a group or association. Networking can bring in powerful new friendships and business contacts. 

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