December 30, 2020 0 Comments
Horoscopes by Candace Looft, of Beyond the Veil Tarot / Original collage for J. Southern Studio by Janeva Zentz
Welcome to your January 2021 Tarot Scopes!
January 2021 notable dates and transits:
The Moon- Information that comes to light, intuition, or visions in dreams.
Area of focus for the year ahead in 2021: Figure out who your real friends are. Choose to align with those who share similar beliefs or values. Find strength in numbers. Join a group or organization that helps further your self esteem and financial goals.
New Moon in Capricorn Focus: your career and professional goals. This is the time to set your career goals for the year ahead. Something major is transforming around the time of this Moon. For some of you, jobs are ending or transforming in some way. For others, it’s the start of a new position. Regardless, think long and hard about HOW you’d like to change your role in the world. Expect to see these intentions unfold over the next 6-12 months.
Full Moon in Leo Focus: Now is the time to break out and do something different. You may have an emotional reaction or act out due to a conflict with a friend or organization. Remain calm if possible. This Moon aligns with your creativity and romance sector. It’s possible you’re having to learn to be a team player and chip in on a group project rather than your solo work. Do your best to be a part of a larger cause.
Where to watch and pay attention: Your friendships are changing and quickly. Friends will be coming and going in the weeks ahead. If you’re noticing some conflict or miscommunications- weigh the pros and cons. Is it worth the drama? You’ll have next month to determine if they’re still a fit.
Tarot Card: Strength- Finding the inner strength or motivation to make something happen. Success.
Area of focus for the year ahead in 2021: You have the ability to create change. If you’re feeling burnt out on your job or routine ways of life, start something new. Practice independence and get outside of the box. Sometimes professional success requires personal freedom.
New Moon in Capricorn Focus: Your beliefs are shifting in deep and meaningful ways. For many of you, you’re shifting into a more serious and timely spiritual routine. This may require you to travel, educate yourself, or expand to the “bigger picture”. However it unfolds for you, don’t lose sight of hope or perhaps even prayer. Setting intentions that involve travel or continuing education or foreign business is beneficial. Publishing and story telling bodes well here as well.
Full Moon in Leo Focus: This Moon is likely to bring about a big change when it comes to your home or family. This can be a time where you realize it’s time to move, or perhaps make changes in your home. Whatever it is, it’s likely to be unexpected. Keep your cool, and strategize with those in your clan to make changes. If it’s not a physical coming or going from the home, it can be a new addition to the family, or major emotional change.
Where to watch and pay attention: So very many things will be shifting in the weeks ahead when it comes to your career. Truth be told, this is the time to go big or go home. The success of your professional life begins with what foundations are laid out from mid January through march 2021. It’s an important time to take your career moves seriously. The Mercury retrograde will show you what is and isn’t working and help you make the best decision.
Tarot Card: 10 of Swords- a difficult or uncomfortable ending.
Area of focus for the year ahead in 2021: Your spiritual work and worldly views are about due for an upgrade. Travel, often. Learn more about other beliefs and cultures. This will deepen your connection to not only the collective, but to your higher self and true calling. Continue your education, formally or informally.
New Moon in Capricorn Focus: This New Moon will highlight the need to emotionally or financially merge with another. It shines a light on your eighth house of joint finances or expenses. Here you tackle loans, paying off credit or perhaps even an insurance issue. If you’re not experiencing themes in these areas, then expect to work hard in the intimacy department. This can be the best time to commit to growing close to another. Here being vulnerable can be a challenge, but you have all that is necessary to feel safe and secure.
Full Moon in Leo Focus: Communication and contracts may be on FIRE around the time of this Full Moon. Vehicles, travel, or education can be a theme here as well. Especially if you’re looking to buy a new car or update a laptop or phone. Those of you with children may be finding new and creative ways to help your child be more successful when it comes to their education. It’s possible you get asked to join a friend or family member in planning a trip to a far away place. Regardless of what happens, expect it to be a lively chat full of excitement.
Where to watch and pay attention: There’s friction between your house of foreign travel/ higher education and your hidden zone in your horoscope. Look out for unexpected road blocks when planning for travel or education. Be aware of the Mercury retrograde and triple check any plans or reservations. Buying trip insurance, or having a plan B may be necessary in some situations at the end of this month. For those of you looking to travel to foreign places- plan out closer to mid 2021 to be on the safe side. You also want to be VERY aware of anything having to do with legal documents or processing paperwork.
Tarot Card: King of Pentacles- An Earth sign man, being in control of a business or finances. A father or authority figure.
Area of focus for the year ahead in 2021: Fears and resources need to be addressed. If you can’t see your way out of a stressful relationship or financial matter, you need friends with insight. Look to those who have practical advice, not just quick fixes and corner cutting solutions. Get real about your dreams. Don’t be afraid to go deep and confront your fears. This is a necessary step in achieving your goals.
New Moon in Capricorn Focus: This is giving you a perfect opportunity to focus on your relationships and planting new seeds. Those who are coupled can set new intentions of becoming more emotionally close to another, while those of you who are single may meet someone new. Regardless of your status, set goals around partnering and finding support with another. Two really is better than one. This can also be a time to be more receptive of how a partner feels, or any changes they would like to make around the home.
Full Moon in Leo Focus: This Moon is a real whopper! Landing in your financial zone, in aspect to Jupiter and Saturn. This may create some sweet AND salty aspects. Some of you may close on a major deal, receive a large payment or perhaps get a raise. BUT- you may also pay higher taxes, have to loan some of it to a partner, or pay off a bill. You win some, you lose some. Regardless, this should have the Moon illuminating the need to feel physically or financially secure. Avoid over indulging and going ham on a credit card. Keep everything in moderation.
Where to watch and pay attention: The retrograde in your joint financial sector is a bit of a wonky one. Here you can have miscommunications about a joint financial partnership. There can be issues revolving around financial strategies, or lending money. This isn’t the wisest time to go borrowing, but it can be a great time to revaluate your budget. It’s an even better time to get ahold of your expenses and come up with a plan to pay things off, or get a head start on organizing your tax documents.
Tarot Card: King of Swords- An Air sign man, being able to communicate effortlessly. Having meetings or speaking your mind.
Area of focus for the year ahead in 2021: You are approaching a big moment in time when it comes to your relationships. The next year ahead is pure magic, and can assist in everything falling into place. The challenge will be balancing professional life and being there for a special someone. Finding that perfect balance may prove to be challenging. When all else fails, communicate. Don’t give up.
New Moon in Capricorn Focus: This New Moon in an excellent opportunity to make one last effort to maximize your health and wellness. You’ve spent several long years with Saturn in this section of your horoscopes. Often times it’s shown you where you’ve lacked the motivation or scheduling to stick with your routines. For some of you it’s been a stressful schedule or work environment bringing you down. Now, with this Moon in close aspect to Pluto you have the opportunity to make psychological shifts towards wellness. This requires mind, body, and soul balance.
Full Moon in Leo Focus: This Full Moon shines a spotlight on you and your physical appearance. This is a wonderful time to stand out from the crowd and get others’ attentions. Due to the opposition to Jupiter on this Moon, it’s likely you’ll have quite a few admirers. Jazz up your appearance, do something different with your hair or make up routine. Throw on some flashy gold jewelry and snap a selfie. This an excellent time to bring personal goals into fruition. The sky is the limit!
Where to watch and pay attention: Partners from the past may be calling or making their way back to you. This can be romantically or professionally. Be cautious when mixing business with pleasure. Avoid inner office romances or dating bosses. Now is an important time to decide if you want to stay in the past (patterns or relationships) or move forward into the future. New Year NEW YOU. Ditch the outdated ways of dating and connecting. It’s important to step into your role as a mature partner. Reach for the love you deserve, you won’t regret it.
Tarot Card: The Star- healing and focus on being apart of the collective.
Area of focus for the year ahead in 2021: The time has come to bring your attention to your health and lifestyle. If you’ve spent recent months/ years putting others first it should have taken a real tole on your health. Get real about fitness or dietary changes. Educate yourself on proper diet and nutrition. All work and no play can make you dull, carve out time for friends as well. Be a part of something that helps assist other people, while honoring your new routine.
New Moon in Capricorn Focus: What does your heart want, Virgo? Are there areas of your inner child or perhaps even your creative life that feels blocked? Now is the time to shine a light on where a lack of passion has lead you astray. Don’t be afraid to feel again. Somewhere in you is something yearning to be free and connect again. Utilize this moon by setting intentions to connect to what feels good. Commit to pressuring your pleasures. In six months time you may see something beautiful unfold that makes your heart sing.
Full Moon in Leo Focus: This is a Moon that will be pulling out all the stops. You are likely to feel bombarded or overwhelmed. Something about the combination of these two moons makes me feel like its necessary for you to open up and process something, allowing it to end. When you do this you proceed forward. Dreams may prove to be intense, and you may feel like withdrawing. Don’t let yourself unravel and be a victim to someone else’s drama. If you’re feeling under the weather, rest and take a break from work. You may need the rest.
Where to watch and pay attention: In order for you to grow professionally, there may need to be a shift in your work space. You may change jobs, or grow into a new position. Many of you need new skills to adjust to working remotely and may need to undergo some sort of training. Expect new routines, software or gadgets to get by at work. Coworkers may prove to be challenging, but you can navigate it. Give it until March to work out all the kinks. Educate yourself on new creative and spiritual ways to balance the mind, body, and the spirit.
Tarot Card: 9 of Pentacles- indulgence, independence, lavish goods.
Area of focus for the year ahead in 2021: Sometimes in order to make magic happen you MUST take chances. This year, creativity and the birth of something new needs the time and space to fully develop. For some, it will be a child. For others, this will be a new creative project or performance. Your willingness to step away from some comfortable situations in order to make room for something new and unique will be rewarded. Learn the true value of your talents, the rest will be history.
New Moon in Capricorn Focus: There is an emphasis in setting new home and emotional intentions. Those of you who have not moved or had a change in your family unit, still most likely will in the months ahead. This can be in the form of a new home, someone coming or going, or a new addition to the family. I advise you to set any intentions on this moon relating to your roots. At the time of the New Moon I’m predicting some intense family drama may break out. It’s possible that endings are shortly following this Moon for you. Paying close attention to your emotional patterns and ways of nurturing yourself is essential. Don’t let the possibility of starting over keep you from making big moves. Physically or emotionally. Baths and other magical rituals involving water are an excellent idea.
Full Moon in Leo Focus: Unexpected drama may arise around the time of the Full Moon. This one puts pressure on your house of friendships and associations. Issues that have to do with conflict between friends and or lovers is likely. Especially if these two different people are at odds in your personal life. With squares from Uranus, anything could happen. This is also a time where taking chances or big risks may have big pay offs or rewards. The key is to not keep any secrets, and be fully transparent with people. The more open you are, the more likely it is for you to experience a Full Moon flare up or surprise. Hang tight to your goals and aspirations, trust that the universe may bring about change to set you free.
Where to watch and pay attention: There’s friction between your house of romance/ creativity and your joint resources. Be mindful that in order to come out on top and win big, it takes time to develop these plans for success. Sometimes stepping away from what’s immediate and safe is the best move to cultivate long term creative fulfillment. There can be issues involving children or family planning. Do your best to work with a partner to sort out these problems sooner rather than later. Here you can come up with a creative way to ask for more. Joint finances, as well as insurance falls under this category now. Big financial swings are possible this month. Just don’t go rushing into big investments or get rich quick schemes.
Tarot Card: 3 of Wands- Moving forward with your journey, travel and vision.
Area of focus for the year ahead in 2021: Big home and family changes are on the forefront this year. Many of you are navigating not only major home or relocation changes, but shifts in your partnerships as well. Many of you will QUICKLY move in or out of residences or relationships. It’s important to stay grounded and aware of inner childhood traumas that hold you back from true love or security.
New Moon in Capricorn Focus: This New Moon highlights the need for clear concise communication or conversations. There is some information that may come to you in the form of an email, text, or phone call that leads to shocking information. Choose your words wisely. This is an opportunity to focus in on your words of power. Intentions set in writing or verbally will be extra potent. Those of you hoping to commit to more serious forms of writing or even education benefit from doing it at the time of this New Moon. There may be an opportunity to have a serious heart to heart conversation with a neighbor or relative as well. Whatever it is they relay, it’s meant to get you thinking. If you’re on the look out for exploring new books or skills for business, this would be the moon to do so. Updates in vehicles, electronics, and phones can happen here as well. Just be sure to do so prior to the 30th!
Full Moon in Leo Focus: This is a very impactful Full Moon when it comes to your career. Likely you’ll be involved or invited to participate in something that has you traveling away from home, or to have the opportunity to relocate temporarily. More of this will come next month in February. Until then, remain open to fluctuation and change. Your home life and partnerships are slowly developing and taking you to the next level. Working with a partner, or even from home may be the change that starts the new year. Show off something big if you can around the time of this Full Moon. Be that a launch, a project, or even a report for a boss. The Moon will highlight exactly how talented you really are.
Where to watch and pay attention: Starting this month, and throughout all of 2021, there will be a balancing act between a partnership and changes within the home. Remember your home is a reflection of your heart. Differences or issues with partners may be mirroring the very deep seeded childhood issues you’ve been neglecting to deal with or heal. Domestic challenges may come about from a partner needing to change where it is they’re working. Many of you will have to be patient and do your best to work with another person (whom you live with/ family/ or are married to) to be able to navigate the twists and turns of 2021. The good news is, by learning to be a team player, your partner will have your back and do the same.
Tarot Card: Page of Cups- a young child or water sign person. A romantic connection.
Area of focus for the year ahead in 2021: This is a busy year ahead for you. This year you tackle the mind, and how to communicate more effectively. Health and stress disorders can come about from compounding all the things you think about and DON’T say. Educate yourself on new routines, software, and gadgets to make the most of your day to day routine. Breath-work and walking can help clear the mind this year. Expansion on social media can greatly improve your career or clientele.
New Moon in Capricorn Focus: It’s all about financial planning this month. You’re off to the races with this New Moon and will be given one powerful opportunity to turn your financial luck around. This can come in the form of a new job opportunity, an investment, or an inheritance. Regardless of what comes or how much, you will realize the value and power of your financial decisions. Be cautious with any get rich quick schemes. Whatever is coming will take time and careful planning to grow. What starts off as a creative idea, or labor of love may fully transform into a lucrative opportunity. This is an area of your chart that deals with self esteem as well, and it would be beneficial to ritualize building yourself up in some way.
Full Moon in Leo Focus: This Full Moon will be delivering you a worldly view of the “bigger picture”. In order to better understand the grand plan, this Moon is going to shine a light on your spiritual or intellectual pursuits. If you’ve been longing to make moves towards an educational plan or planning a get away, this Moon will help you do it. Leo is all about being the center of attention and this Moon will pull out all the stops possible to get your voice out there. If you have been looking to teach a course, or perhaps even start a legal process this is the time to do it. Being in a fellow Fire sign, it will funnel positive energy into your life and help you share a touching story with others.
Where to watch and pay attention: Mercury will be doing a number in your chart as it goes retrograde in Aquarius. It seems as if you REALLY need to look over the fine print on something. This may be a contract, an agreement or something you sign. If not, it may very well be involving a vehicle, or matter relating to transportation or documents. Travel plans should be throughly looked over prior to purchasing, and when in doubt grab trip insurance. Having a plan B will be necessary. There’s friction in your health and wellness area of your horoscope. It seems to bump up against planets in Aquarius. Your ankles, lungs, and breathing are all VERY important areas health wise to be monitoring.
Tarot Card: Six of Swords- Being in limbo or transition, moving away from someone or something. Travel or journeys.
Area of focus for the year ahead in 2021: It’s about time you started thinking about how to thrive financially when it comes to your creative projects. Some of you may venture into launching a new business this year, this will require patience and healthy self esteem. People will only pay you what they feel you are worth, remember that. High and healthy self esteem will get you everywhere this year. Be passionate about pleasure and matters of the heart.
New Moon in Capricorn Focus: This is your Moon! No better time to celebrate and ritualize all of the growth you’ve experienced in recent years than with this lunation. It’s marking a period of truly coming into your personal power. Your body may be empathized or more sensitive in some way during this moon, so I advise you to pay attention to how you feel. Take note of what feels stiff, or “off”. If there’s areas for improvement physically or cosmetically, you may set intentions to delve deeper into a physical routine. If this is the case, opt for light weight lifting, hiking, or even yoga. All of these acts are heavily associated with Saturn and benefit you. Anti aging and skin routines will do well also. This Moon is closely tied to Pluto, and will emphasize leaving one phase of your life behind to start a new chapter.
Full Moon in Leo Focus: a Full Moon in your house of joint affairs can be an intense one to say the least. What this Moon is bringing up is the need to be open and honest when it comes to your financial planning or joint financial affairs with another. This Full Moon is likely to be loaded with salty and sweet aspects. While it may bring you unexpected expenses, or perhaps a hefty bill, it also teaches you the importance of Saturn in your house of finances. Budgeting and learning to tighten the felt financially can be what is necessary to stay on track of your financial goals. Consider whatever comes up for you a learning curve. Be cautious when it comes to making big purchases. It’s best you hold off until the second half of February when you have a better hold on your money.
Where to watch and pay attention: Mercury is going retrograde in your financial sector. Here, money can be made, or LOST. It’s also important to reiterate- with Aquarian energy it’s important to expect the unexpected. Don’t heavily rely or count on someone else to financially save or support you. When negotiating salary or financial agreements, be sure to get it done PRIOR to the 30th, and have all the details on paper. There’s pressure to start making money from things you’ve developed creatively. The answer is to collaborate or connect with like minded friends to help you get to where you’d like to go. You never know who may be willing to lend you a helping hand.
Tarot Card: Death- a challenging transformation, in the end for the better. Endings and beginnings.
Area of focus for the year ahead in 2021: You are changing, rapidly. It’s ok to not know what’s next. I promise you chances are worth taking this year. Practice independence whenever you are given the chance. This year will teach you real growth starts with you. Healing, loving, and caring for YOU. When you make choices that reflect the person you’re becoming, you will be amazed where it leads you.
New Moon in Capricorn Focus: This will be a time to take a step back and focus on rest and recuperation. A New Moon in the hidden subconscious part of your chart is likely to have you wanting to retreat and work behind the scenes. This is an excellent time to meditate and work on on your spiritual devotion. This Moon can bring up endings for some Aquarians, but remember with every ending there is a new beginning. It’s important not to let fear run the show on this Moon. Dreams may be symbolic and cryptic. If you’re feeling the intensity, take time to practice banishing or ancestral magic to ground yourself.
Full Moon in Leo Focus: Cha cha cha CHANGES in the relationship zone will be taking place! The time has come to reach for the love that you deserve. This starts with being heavily in alignment with your wants and needs. When you work with the energy of Saturn and Jupiter in your chart, you develop a much better relationship with yourself. Your new sense of optimism or independence may not bode well in your close relationships with others. If the time has come to walk away from someone, this may be that Moon that catapults you into saying farewell. Don’t hide out and sweep issues under the rug. Face partnership issues head on.
Where to watch and pay attention: The above mentioned changes will bring about shifts in your emotional and home zone as well. So, If you find yourself needing space or splitting from a partner, the next task will be making changes at home or within the family. The other way this could play out is emotional shifts lead to big break throughs in relationships. Something interesting happens when you start putting yourself first, those who haven’t been respecting your boundaries show themselves. Pay close attention to who is willing to stay with you, and honor your sense of self.
Tarot Card: The Hermit- stepping away or aside from life. Taking time on an inward journey or meditation.
Area of focus for the year ahead in 2021: Some people, situations and connections may feel as if they are slipping away. That’s ok, while it may be uncomfortable and confusing, it’s necessary. Your goal this year is to focus on connecting deeply to your spiritual self. Journaling, writing, or simply communicating differently will get you where you need to go. Nip anxiety or fear issues in the bud. When in doubt- meditate.
New Moon in Capricorn Focus: This Moon is going to mark a major shift in your friendships and life goals. You will be shown where social connections have the ability to help you or hinder you. It’s possible a friendship ends, or becomes too much to take on any longer. It’s also an important time in being aware of long term goals, and what types of friends you do want to share your time with. If you’ve been collaborating with a group or joining an association, now may just be the time. I assume this could be spiritual groups or friends in high places, or international. This area of your chart deals with wishes, so I highly advise you to ritualize a special intention or wish.
Full Moon in Leo Focus: This will be highlighting any issues you’re having in making time to complete any of your creative projects. If you’ve needed assistance from other creatives in getting a project off the ground, this Moon should deliver. This is also a VERY important time to pay attention to your health and organization. The heart space, blood pressure, or anything cardiovascular should be well maintained. Any subconscious anxiety or loss of sleep could develop into unexpected health issues. Keep your diet and schedule in order and all should be fine. Something will only come up IF you’re not managing your health.
Where to watch and pay attention: There’s pressure between how you think/ communicate and your mental health. Finding ways to write, or talk it out is an excellent way to get all the feelings out. It may seem as if irrational fears are getting the best of you. Daily positive words or affirmations can be exceptionally helpful. As will meditation, breath work, and audio tapes. The lungs and breathing can also be points to look after. On the flip side, this can be about a family member struggling with these issues, or you having vivid and symbolic dreams you need to learn to decode. Check out a dream dictionary and start by keeping a dream journal.
Candace Marie of Beyond the Veil Tarot has her degree in Cultural Anthropology with a minor in Theology, and studied at the School of Evolutionary Astrology. She is also a graduate of Sacred Crossings Death Midwifery School, and a root worker and herbalist. Read her bio here, and catch more of her work on Beyond the Veil Tarot.
Read more on astrology, horoscopes, occultism, magick & ritual on our blog, Esoteric Insights!
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