July 13, 2019 0 Comments
Look out for/ work with:
Self-preservation, determination, self-control, social justice awakenings, breakdown of old patterns, shadow work, toxic relationships, dramatic relationship transformations, turmoil, endings, deep feelings, intuitive insights or visions, controlling or manipulative behaviors, guilt-trips, intimidation, abuses of power, sadness, loneliness, compulsive behavior.
This one is going to be an intense one. There’s no sugar coating the effects of this particular eclipse. Lunar eclipses have a reputation for emotional unveilings. It’s an ongoing lesson in purging and the removal of something that threatens the dry foundations of your growth. Think of this eclipse as the event that actually starts the cataclysmic change. With this eclipse’s aspects to Pluto and the South node, its very evident some structure in your life is breaking down. This can be a job, that has become so heavy with the day in and day out routine. A relationship that feels more like a burden than a blessing. Potentially even a car, or place of residence that’s breaking down and having problems. Whatever it is that’s becoming a heavy load take note of it. It’s possible you’ve been trying to grin and bear it since last year, but not it’s becoming increasingly more challenging to stick with.
This eclipse brings intense emotions and some of you will be confronted with some darker behaviors. Pluto’s effect runs deep, to the core. The master of alchemy works in strange and mysterious ways. It’s possible this eclipse brings up some past trauma, or event that you have compartmentalized psychologically for some time. Power struggles are likely, but merely the manifestation of where we have given our power away in the past. As with all Full Moons, this is a time of completion and endings. But a Lunar Eclipse Full Moon is jam-packed with emotional plot twists, and in Capricorn, it’s going to stop at nothing to bring the karma. On a social level, we will see a rise up of various movements. Women’s rights will surely be a hot topic in the following months as government involvement in reproductive health, as well as equality in all senses are being tested. Ancient astrologers believed times where Pluto was conjunct the South Node, the most intense crime and brutal history take place. I myself see both sides of Pluto. The intense, punishing and brutality as well as the ability to clear the decks and rise from the ashes. The key here is exposing where powers are being abused, so we can get on with the healing.
Endings now should be honored, and I can’t stress this enough. This month and the following weeks ahead, all of us will experience something being “eclipsed” out of our lives because it is not in alignment with our greater good. Death comes in many forms, not all are physical. Many times endings hit us out of nowhere, and we are forced to accept the situation and move forward. Trust the universe has bigger plans for you if you’re experiencing this. I tell people eclipses don’t always bring about changes on the day of. Many of you are already in the process of ending something since the first week of July, and the prior eclipse in Cancer. But this eclipse is apart of a bigger story. This eclipse is sprinkling glimpses of the future at the beginning of 2020. This is when Saturn, Pluto, and Jupiter all conjunct in Capricorn. That’s when you really begin to reap the rewards of whatever it is that you start now. Mars and Mercury are moving together, making hard angles to Uranus in Taurus. Those of you who read my last article, may have noticed I spoke about LITERAL earthshaking energy? The recent intense weather and earthquakes are a reflection of these hard angles. The earth is literally responding to these hard shifts. The truth is, more may come. Astrology is very real my friends. These squares in fixed signs create push back, ego issues and confrontations. Police brutality, government conspiracy coverups, and potential violence may break out in the coming weeks due to these harsh aspects.
But where’s the silver lining? This is essentially a bulldozer. This eclipse is kicking up all the crap that needs to be seen out in the open. The toxic attitudes, the government control, the misogynistic, homophobic, racist, close-minded, bigoted issues around us. You may find this coming up within workspaces, family get-togethers, and out in your everyday neighborhood. What some people say, may shock you. Then do your due diligence to create change. Don’t let others be treated that way. Stand up for those in need. Teach your children compassion and acceptance. Practice healthy, firm boundaries. Cut toxic people from your life, and be thankful they showed their true colors. Send them on their way with love. Venus is shining down at the time of this eclipse, conjunct the north node trine Neptune. This makes way for empathy, healing, and hopefully higher moral and ethical standards. This is also a beautiful trine for artists and daydreamers. As with all revolutions, it births an artistic renaissance. There’s no doubt that an entire wave of new self-expression in the form of art, music, and dance is coming.
Those of you resistant to change, (like quitting that job, moving, detaching from a toxic person, etc.) will have to rip off the bandaid and do it the hard way in the spring of 2020. A bit of advice, don’t challenge the universe. Some of us are so afraid of change, we couldn’t fathom some major pillars in our life crumbling.
But oh darling, even Rome fell…
Try This…
Banishing Road Blocks Spell
Best performed AFTER this eclipse. Ideally, the day after on the 17th or on Saturday, July 20th, 2019, SATURN’S DAY. Wednesdays are known as Mercury’s day and can be an excellent time to “open the road’s” with a road opener spell. This can clear obstacles. Saturday’s are used to do any banishing or removal magic. This is also a time to perform ancestral work and call upon deceased loved ones for assistance and healing.
You’ll need:
Candace Marie of Beyond the Veil Tarot has her degree in Cultural Anthropology with a minor in Theology, and studied at the School of Evolutionary Astrology. She is also a graduate of Sacred Crossings Death Midwifery School, and a root worker and herbalist. Read her bio here, and catch more of her work on Beyond the Veil Tarot.
Read more on astrology, horoscopes, occultism, magick & ritual on our blog, Esoteric Insights!
December 17, 2024 0 Comments
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July 21, 2024 0 Comments
Happy Full Moon in Capricorn! 🌝♑️It’s a special one as it is our second full moon in Capricorn in a row! So I did a quick tarot pull asking thee questions. In the earthen spirit of Capricorn of course I got pentacles, clarity, and straightforwardness with this reading lol. Took me less than 5 minutes to understand. Read for for the spread!