December 31, 2020
Here we are nearing the finish line of 2020! Capricorn rules the Heaven's as we cross over the year, so lets be sure to keep his ruler Saturn on our side! Saturn rules time, the harvest, and is the karmic workhorse of the God's. So, to receive his blessings for what we wish to bring into our lives in 2021, it's wise to check in with the ol' Reaper and make sure you're not forgetting any loose ends before the new year. Saturn wants to get your karma balanced so you can...
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April 22, 2020
We’re going to attempt the impossible, and provide you with a short history of “The Devil”. To attempt the impossible is certainly in alignment with this mighty jester, prancing gleefully across the stage as Mephistopholes, Satan, Lucifer, or the more bestial versions of the Adversary found in Pan, Baphomet, and the clever Serpent in the Garden of Eden. And lets not forget our jolly ol’ friend Krampus the Christmas Demon! Who isn’t tempted at some time in their life to bow down at the altar of the Mortal Coil, to beef up the ever so hungry ego body, and to revel vampirically in this carnal circus of Earthly delights?
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April 17, 2020
The word "flora" translates to "flowers," and is also the name of the Roman Goddess of flowers, spring, and fertility. Her first temple was built on the advice of the Sibylline Oracle, with the intent to protect nearby crops from famine and disease. During this time of quarantine, it's safe to say that we've all been thinking about protection from disease, making it the perfect time to invite Flora to help protect your space, your body, and your loved ones. Try this simple meditation or ritual below using our Palo Santo Flora Bundles to center your thoughts and help radiate your inner positivity.
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March 29, 2020
Crystals carry a lot of power. These earthen tokens of sacred geometry are said to hold the energies and secrets or the universe, and can also be charged, like any talisman, to hold the intention of the practitioner or wearer. These sparkling gem treasures are gifts to us from the Earth and can be used in a plethora of ways, and since the collective world is experiencing a vibrational and energetic shift due to quarantine and the covid-19 pandemic, many are searching for new ways to ground and center themselves while dealing with the emotional, physical, and financial upheaval that comes with this crisis.
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March 19, 2020
March is the Month of the Vernal Equinox when we leave the long dormant days of Winter behind, and celebrate the return of the dawning Springtime Sun. This story has played out over time through the tales of Jesus’ Resurrection, Inanna’s underworld descent and subsequent Springtime return, and countless other stories illustrating the seasonal transition from a period of Winter death back to a fertile Spring of new life, hope, and rebirth. This is a time to celebrate the bounty of the sun! Oddly enough, many of us are feeling anxious about the symbolically related Corona Virus. Let me shed some light...
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March 19, 2020
Ostara, Ēostre who stemmed from Astarte is both an Ancient Germanic Goddess and one of the eight Neopagan Sabbats which make up the Pagan Wheel of the Year. The Sabbat, or Holiday celebrates the re-birth of Spring after the barren winter season. The face of the Goddess Ostara is the Virginal Maiden of Spring, the smiling celestial crescent, emerging in the sky from the black horizon of winter. One must imagine the ancient European Winters to truly appreciate the return of this gentle fertility Goddess. To get through the barren season, families would store grains, nuts, dried meats and herbs for their survival. This preserved prosperity directly from the land equated with the sustaining of life when external conditions i.e. weather did not support it. Ēostre emerges from the rich Pagan...
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February 19, 2020
Aphrodite is truly a deity of passion in both it’s creative and destructive capacities, and if you know anything about ancient Greek culture, you know that they adored a dramatic Goddess. In fact, the Greeks loved Aphrodite so much that they dedicated a whole festival to her every year known as Aphrodesia. This of course leads us to the word, Aphrodisiac, which is traditionally a food, drink or drug which stimulates sexual desire, but can be just about anything which serves to awaken the sensual appetite, which is essentially Aphrodite’s superpower...
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