Full Moon in Aries, September 24, 2018: Inspiration & Independence

September 21, 2018 0 Comments

Full Moon in Aries, September 24, 2018: Inspiration & Independence

Astrology by Rebecca Farrar of Wild Witch of the West  / Collage by Janeva Zentz



Monday, September 24/ Tuesday, September 23
 7:53 p.m. PT/10:53 p.m. EDT/2:53 a.m. UTC
  • Conjunct asteroid Hygiea & Chiron
  • Square Saturn & Vesta
  • Sextile Mars


Keywords & Themes: Inspiration, healing, wholeness, protector, authority of self, momentum, ambition, leadership, will, independence, self-sufficiency, overcoming fears, action-oriented, purpose & legacy, unconscious dominating, anger management or suppression, motivation.


Collective Energies:

Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, keeps things moving and beckons us into taking action. Invite the Aries full moon by honoring your independence and inspiration through passion projects or setting new goals. Lead with your will and this moon may serve you well.

And while all of this may sound great at first, the shadow side can be impatience, easily annoyed, or compulsive (says the natal Aries Moon). Watch out for a bit of emotional avoidance, Aries doesn’t have time to feel things. This in-charge sign activates our inner warrior and passion so be prepared for a bit of agitation or competition even if you lean towards conflict avoidance. Though my favorite Aries superpower is its ability to maintain momentum when things may feel stuck, where Saturn could be the culprit.

Perhaps the more difficult aspect of this full moon is the square with Saturn and Vesta. When Saturn hangs out with the moon we navigate themes of security, scarcity, or responsibility. Things may feel heavier than they actually are so don’t be surprised if some sadness or depression creeps in. Though the upside (even if Saturn doesn’t want one), is patience and a balancing to the extreme movement of Aries. Saturn also feels comfortable being alone and Aries loves being independent, so you may enjoy the possibility of becoming introverted to get realigned with your commitments. 

This full moon hangs out in conjunction with the healers of the solar system, Chiron and the asteroid Hygiea. When these two meet, the same degree nonetheless, we come into contact with our health and places where we crave more healing. With this aspect to the full moon we remember the restraints of our bodies and the care they need for us to reach our ultimate goals and visions.

Pay attention to where you experience momentum and excitement in your life as Aries emotions can activate ambition. Aries full moon emotions move quickly and run the gamut between feeling optimistic to easily angered. Work with this dynamism by getting courageous about your commitments. Take note, when Aries doesn’t have a mission or goal to work towards, it leans more into annoyance, and by all means give that energy something to do!


Everyday Ritual Recommendations:

DO // High energy exercise such as kickboxing or running, though be warned Saturn could make you feel slow! Or, find inspirational activities that keep your brain humming.

BE // Focus on some sort of practice for sitting with difficult emotions, as often Aries may want to run away from discomfort. Rose quartz, fluorite, or amethyst can be effective tools for this practice.

EAT // Anti-inflammatory foods such as turmeric and ginger may be beneficial.

WEAR // Red or orange, something with a fall feel that also adds fiery edge.



Read more on astrology, horoscopes, occultism, magick & ritual on our blog, Esoteric Insights!

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