A Yuletide & Winter Solstice Ritual

December 10, 2020 0 Comments

A Yuletide & Winter Solstice Ritual

A Yultide & Winter Solstice Ritual


Yule is an ancient holiday that has been celebrated on the Winter Solstice for thousands of years by Germanic cultures, and now by Neo-pagans across the Earth. What's lovely about seasonal celebrations like the Winter and Summer solstices is that it forces us to slow down, create space, and enjoy the moment.

A Brief History on Yule:

The long bearded Norse God, Odin, was known as the Yule Father, and some historic scholars trace Christmas directly back to the name Odin. In Norse Poetry there is a phrase, "Huginn's Yule" which means "A Raven's Feast"- linking Christmas to our beloved witchy Spirit Animal friend the Raven! Well, Odin was regularly informed by his two Ravens, Huginn and Muninn, of the important events and changes taking place all over the world.

What better time than the end of the year to channel this energy! Try this ritual on or near the Winter Solstice (which typically falls around December 21st each year) with our Winer Solstice & Yule Ritual Kit:


✨ Create a protective circle around your magical space with salt, and you may draw it with an athame as well. ⁠

✨ Clear your space with the sage provided.

✨ Create an altar to all the Mothers who have inspired, guided, or cared for you. This can include Gaia, any Goddesses, Celebrity or Mythological Characters, your Family (living and not!), or even males who have provided a Motherly influence for you. Put the crystals and candles from the kit on this altar, then ignite the candles using a match.

Pro Tip: ULTRA enhance your intentions by simultaneously using the Winter Solstice & Yule Ritual Candle during this ritual!

✨ Place an offering of anything shiny out for Odin's Ravens. Try something shiny, as ravens love shiny things!

✨ Using the candles flame, burn the cedar, and out loud, acknowledge and thank any of the Mothers you have honored, and you may ask them for help in any area you would like. The Solstice is about the rebirth of the Sun, so if you need more light and guidance, this is a good time to invoke that.

✨ Then you may call Huginn and Muninn to receive their gifts, and ask them for any information or guidance you might like at this time. ⁠

✨ When you’re done, be sure to say that you 'release all of the spirits back to their domains’, and clear your space with sage.⁠

✨ Always try to forget about your ritual so the higher powers are able to move in and help; you’ll be surprised when the help and guidance arrives!


Click the images below to learn more about our Winter Solstice & Yule Ritual Kit and Candle!


Winter Solstice & Yule Ritual Candle

Made with oils of pine, vanilla, and cinnamon, and topped with pine, quartz, and juniper berry.
yule candle

Winter Solstice & Yule Ritual Kit

yule kit

With cedar for grounding, prosperity, and protection; sage for cleansing and energizing; red and gold candles for strength, attraction, and luck; tigers eye for strength and balance; obsidian for protection, cleansing, and banishment; quartz for positive amplification and cleansing; pine oil for cleansing and prosperity; palo santo for sealing in positive energies and spirits; instructions and handmade feather tool.  


yule kit




Read more on astrology, horoscopes, occultism, magick & ritual on our blog, Esoteric Insights!

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